1. Please check for typos. Europe does not contain 77% of the world's land.
100(1562/14300) = ?
1.The land on Earth’s surface is represented by the seven continents. Europe has 77% of the dry land while Africa has 20%. North America has 4/25 and Antarctica has 1/10 of the dry land. What fractional amount of the dry land is contained within the three remaining continents, combined?
D)Not here
2.Jeanette has decided to buy a car. The total cost of the car is $14,300, which includes a down payment of $1562. Monthly payments will be $274.96. What is the most reasonable estimate of the percentage of the total price that Jeanette will pay for the down payment?
Please explain to me how to answer these questions. Formulas?
8 answers
There aren't any typos for number 1. That's how the question on my booklet was typed. So for number two it'd be 11%?
Could you also help me with these? I know it's a lot but I'm stuck. Thank you!
3. Doug needs to purchase four sheets of marinegrade
plywood to make repairs on the roof of his
garage. Depending on the type of tree used to
make the wood, the cost of the plywood is between
$42 and $45 per sheet. Which of the following
is a possible amount that Doug can spend on the
purchase of the plywood, including tax?
A $160
B $175
C $190
D $205
4. Bill has a savings account in Sierra Bank and earns
interest at 2 1/4%. He is considering moving
his business to Coulee Bank to earn 2 11/20% in
interest. How much more is the interest rate at
Coulee Bank than at Sierra Bank?
A 5/8%
B 3/10%
C 1/5%
D Not here
5. 8 Mr. White notices that of the 30 students in his
science class, 18 are using yellow pencils, 6 are
using blue pencils, 4 are using erasable ink pens,
and 2 are using mechanical pencils. If his class
is representative of the student body, and there
are 600 students in the school, what is the best
prediction of the total number of students that are
using erasable pens?
A 80 students
B 120 students
C 100 students
D 300 students
6. A marine life amusement park has 6 killer whales.
Each whale consumes about 225 kilograms of
fish and other see life per day. Based on this
information, which would be the most reasonable
estimate of the amount of “whale food” that should
be ordered every 3 weeks to feed all 6 whales?
A 10,000 kg
B 20,000 kg
C 30,000 kg
D 40,000 kg
7.The recommended fluid intake for an adult is 64
ounces a day. By non, Shelly has had 2 cups
of water. How many more ounces of fluid does
Shelly need to consume in order to reach the
recommended fluid intake?
A 48 fl oz
B 8 fl oz
C 16 fl oz
D Not here
3. Doug needs to purchase four sheets of marinegrade
plywood to make repairs on the roof of his
garage. Depending on the type of tree used to
make the wood, the cost of the plywood is between
$42 and $45 per sheet. Which of the following
is a possible amount that Doug can spend on the
purchase of the plywood, including tax?
A $160
B $175
C $190
D $205
4. Bill has a savings account in Sierra Bank and earns
interest at 2 1/4%. He is considering moving
his business to Coulee Bank to earn 2 11/20% in
interest. How much more is the interest rate at
Coulee Bank than at Sierra Bank?
A 5/8%
B 3/10%
C 1/5%
D Not here
5. 8 Mr. White notices that of the 30 students in his
science class, 18 are using yellow pencils, 6 are
using blue pencils, 4 are using erasable ink pens,
and 2 are using mechanical pencils. If his class
is representative of the student body, and there
are 600 students in the school, what is the best
prediction of the total number of students that are
using erasable pens?
A 80 students
B 120 students
C 100 students
D 300 students
6. A marine life amusement park has 6 killer whales.
Each whale consumes about 225 kilograms of
fish and other see life per day. Based on this
information, which would be the most reasonable
estimate of the amount of “whale food” that should
be ordered every 3 weeks to feed all 6 whales?
A 10,000 kg
B 20,000 kg
C 30,000 kg
D 40,000 kg
7.The recommended fluid intake for an adult is 64
ounces a day. By non, Shelly has had 2 cups
of water. How many more ounces of fluid does
Shelly need to consume in order to reach the
recommended fluid intake?
A 48 fl oz
B 8 fl oz
C 16 fl oz
D Not here
1. There's an error in this one. The total land mass in your problem adds up to 123%.
2. 11%
3. What is the tax rate?
2 1/4 = 2.25%
2 11/20 = 2.55%
What don't you understand about the other problems?
2. 11%
3. What is the tax rate?
2 1/4 = 2.25%
2 11/20 = 2.55%
What don't you understand about the other problems?
I don't understand how to set the others up
I know number 10 is 8
i meant number 7 lol
Ms. Sue please help I have to turn this in soon