1.The goose bit the mailman on the leg.

A. The goose bit the mailman on the leg , before running away.

2.With five gallons of gas.

A. I drove ten miles , with five gallons of gas.

3. Because the store was closed.
A. I did not stop , because the store was closed.

4. For the seventh time.
A. For the seventh time would you stop running around the house.

5. Between the sixth and seventh floors of the building in the stairwell over in the corner.
A. The ball bounced between the sixth and seventh floors of the building in the stairwell over in the corner.

Please indicate what your assignment is regarding these sentences. Maybe I'm dense, but it is not clear to me what you are to do with what.

Please re-post with complete instructions, etc.


Punctuating Sentences

Punctuating sentences?

1.The goose bit the mailman on the leg.

A. The goose bit the mailman on the leg , before running away. no comma needed

2.With five gallons of gas.

A. I drove ten miles , with five gallons of gas. no comma needed

3. Because the store was closed.
A. I did not stop , because the store was closed. no comma needed

4. For the seventh time.
A. For the seventh time would you stop running around the house. comma needed

5. Between the sixth and seventh floors of the building in the stairwell over in the corner.
A. The ball bounced between the sixth and seventh floors of the building in the stairwell over in the corner. correct


4. For the seventh time.
A. For the seventh time would you stop running around the house. comma needed

This sentence also needs a correction in punctuation -- do you see it?


For the seventh time , would you stop running around the house.

is there where the comma needs to be.

For the seventh time , would you stop running around the house.

is there where the comma needs to be.

Yes, that's correct.


The march for equal rights had begun! Is the tense of begin rignt? I am writing a newspaper article on Martin Luther King Jr.

Is the grammar in the below sentence accurate?

The information in the reports is examples.

The rainbow stretched across the sky from the ice cream truck to the house down the lane.

With five gallons of gas

Because the store was closed.

For the seventh time.

since I started taking college classes

When the garage door closed

The goose bit the mailman on the leg.

The rainbow stretched across the sky from the ice cream truck to the house down the lane.

The rainbow streched across the sky from the ice cream truck to the house down the land

The rainbow stretched across the sky from the ice cream truck to the house down the lane.

1 answer

The rainbow stretched across the sky, from the ice cream truck, to the house down the lane