1. The first letters of the words, Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation form the abbreviation R.I.C.E.

2. Total bed rest is not necessary, just rest for the injured part of the body.

3. Ice helps because it deadens pain and slows the loss of blood.

4.Ice also reduces swelling of the injured area.

5. Compression with a tight bandage of elastic cloth prevents further strain on the injury.

Identify the adj phrases and then the word that each phrase modifies.

1. of the words---letters
2. for the injured part of the body---rest
3. it deadens pain-ice
4. of the injured area--swelling
5. of elastic cloth--bandage
on the injury--strain

5 answers

1. yes
2. yes -- plus another
of the body -- part
3. no
4. yes
5. yes -- plus one more
3. because it deadens pain-ice

5. with a tight bandage--compression
3. because is not a preposition

5. yes
3. of blood-loss
Yes. They're all right now.