1. The employees of Abs "R" Us, which includes 12 fitness parlors in and around the metro area, feel they can improve the performance of the company. This would be called a ______ buyout.
A. Leveraged C. Negotiated
B. hostile D. Management
Answer: A
2. According to the influential economist Milton Friedman, corporate social responsibility is primarily based on
A. meticulous care of the environment
B. making money for shareholders
C. repudiating insider trading
D. making safe, high-quality products for consumers
Answer: B
3. As derived from the Markkula Center for Applied Ethics, which of the following should be one of eight guiding principles?
A. Compliance with the law in every situation
B. Doing good to those who deserve it
C. Respect for property
D. Preventing harm to others and to the world around us
Answer: C
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