1. The __________ component of the ABC model of attitudes refers to thoughts, beliefs, and attributes you associate with an attitude object.
a. affective
b. behavioral
c. cognitive
2. A pedestrian is a person on foot who is traveling across, on, or immediately adjacent to a public roadway. Persons skating or using mobility devices like wheelchairs are __________ legally considered to be pedestrians.
a. sometimes
b. never
c. also
d. rarely
3. Histamine is important to immune health because:
a. The itchiness that it causes signals your body to fight off pathogens.
b. Histamine makes it easier for white blood cells and some proteins to get through the capillaries of infected tissue.
c. Histamine is not important to immune health; it is an irritant.
d. None of the above
4. In states that have legalized marijuana for recreational use, driving while under the influence of marijuana is __________
a. illegal
b. legal
c. safe
5. The "Drug Facts" label on the container of a medication must be written using __________ language, so that it is easily understood.
a. medical
b. technical
c. plain
d. scientific
6. The NHTSA reports that __________ people were killed in motor vehicle collisions involving an alcohol-impaired driver in 2017.
a. 10,080
b. 7,874
c. 10,874
d. 14,078
7. At .04% BAC, the driver is __________ likely to be involved in a serious collision compared to a driver with a .00% BAC.
a. 1.5 times more
b. 2 times more
c. 2.5 times more
d. just as
8. Do not attempt to pass on hills or curves where you can’t see at least __________ feet ahead
a. 500
b. 600
c. 300
d. 400
9. Hepatic encephalopathy, a serious brain disorder that may result from severe liver disease in chronic heavy drinkers, can cause symptoms like:
a. Anxiety
b. Narcolepsy
c. Depression
d. Both (a) and (c)
e. None of the above
10. Regular drinking will always lead to weight gain, never to weight loss.
a. True/Yes
b. False/No
11. Drivers under the age of 21 who have a BAC of .02 or higher will immediately have their license taken away and driving privileges suspended for __________ months.
a. 12
b. 18
c. 9
d. 6
12. Research shows that people who start drinking before the age of 15 are __________ times more likely to meet the criteria for alcohol dependence at some point in their lives.
a. 2
b. 3
c. 4
d. 5
13. When picking a designated driver, make sure they have a valid driver’s license and __________
a. spotless driving record
b. full-coverage insurance
c. current automobile insurance
d. a full tank of gas
14. The CDC reports that now 13% of nighttime, weekend drivers have __________ in their systems.
a. alcohol
b. heroin
c. THC
d. CBD
15. Youth who rapidly increase their substance abuse have __________ levels of risk factors with __________ levels of protective factors.
a. high; low
b. low; high
c. high; high
d. low; low
16. In addition to reducing your speed, what are some other behaviors to practice that could increase road safety for school children in a school zone?
a. Not passing other vehicles.
b. Stopping at school crossings.
c. Being aware that a child could run out onto the road unexpectedly.
d. All of the above
17. In Florida, if you receive a ticket for unlawful speeding resulting in a crash, how many points will be added to your driving record?
a. 12
b. 6
c. 4
d. 9
18. The ABC model of attitudes includes a cognitive component, a behavioral component, and an __________ component.
a. attitude
b. affirmative
c. affective
19. In the "backing" portion of your driving skills test, you must back a distance of __________ feet at a slow speed while looking to the rear.
a. 20
b. 30
c. 50
d. 75
20. Signals timed to a street's target speed can create __________ along a corridor.
a. higher speeds
b. lower speeds
c. higher traffic
d. less pedestrians
21. Any injuries sustained by elderly people are more likely to be _________.
a. healed faster
b. limited to the lower body
c. open wounds
d. fatal
22. In addition to court fees, attorney fees, and fines, you may also be required to pay for __________ if you are caught abusing illegal substances.
a. a new ID
b. substance abuse education and treatment
c. police service
d. None of the above
23. Regular, moderate drinking makes you almost __________ times more likely to develop larynx cancer as non-drinkers.
a. 1.5
b. 2
c. 2.6
d. 3
24. Antihistamine medication is most commonly used to treat __________
a. sore throats and runny noses
b. the symptoms of allergic reactions
c. headaches and fevers
d. the symptoms of hangovers
25. When you have successfully refused a drink for the first time, you should think about what __________
a. everyone thinks of you
b. worked
c. you might be missing out on
d. All of the above
26. From 2010 data, the most recent year for which there is cost data, NHTSA estimates that alcohol-impaired crashes cost the United States __________
a. $44 billion.
b. $56 billion.
c. $44 million.
d. $117 million.
27. Opioid-based medications have __________ effects that make it dangerous to operate heavy machinery after taking the medication.
a. confusing
b. stimulating
c. sedative
d. random
28. __________ are the opposite of central nervous system depressants.
a. Hallucinogens
b. Dissociative drugs
c. Stimulants
d. analgesics
29. In Florida in 2018, __________ of traffic fatalities were motorcyclists.
a. 22%
b. 5%
c. 14%
d. 18%
30. NSAIDs are absorbed by the __________, and large doses or frequent use can lead to ulcers and GI bleeding.
a. stomach lining
b. esophageal lining
c. intestinal lining
d. Both (a) and (b)
e. Both (a) and (c)
31. Using a medicine in some way other than its intended use or in some way other than as directed by a doctor constitutes __________ of the drug.
a. abuse
b. neglect
c. exploitation
d. perversion
32. Two-stage turn queue boxes offer bicyclists a safe way to make left turns at multi-lane signalized intersections from a right-side cycle track or bike lane, or right turns form a left side cycle track or bike lane.
a. True/Yes
b. False/No
33. Unmarked crosswalks only occur __________
a. on busy roads
b. at intersections
c. outside of businesses
d. on private roads
34. In total, Americans spend over __________ in the hospital each year from motor vehicle collision injuries.
a. 2 million days
b. 500,000 days
c. 1 billion hours
d. 1 million days
35. In many cases, Florida law requires a certain standard of vehicle upkeep. This is because a well-maintained vehicle is _________.
a. a federal requirement
b. a safer vehicle
c. more likely to be operated by a responsible driver
d. None of the above
36. Morphine, oxycodone, codeine, and hydrocodone are all examples of:
b. Stimulants
c. Opioid-based medications
d. Antihistamines
37. Reducing __________ is a proven way to minimize traffic injuries and fatalities.
a. cell phone use
b. vehicle speed
c. the number of vehicles on the road
d. one-handed driving
38. Why is it so difficult to establish the predictable dangers of driving under the influence of drugs compared to alcohol?
a. Different drugs have different effects on the body.
b. Drugs affect different people differently.
c. The same dose may affect a person differently on a different day.
d. All of the above
39. The NHTSA found that, nationwide, a total of __________ of the deaths involving alcohol- or drug-impaired drivers were of someone other than the impaired driver.
a. 49%
b. 39%
c. 19%
d. None of the above
40. Some degree of impairment begins with a BAC as low as __________
a. .01%.
b. .02%.
c. .03%.
d. .05%.
1 answer
2. c. also
3. b. Histamine makes it easier for white blood cells and some proteins to get through the capillaries of infected tissue.
4. a. illegal
5. c. plain
6. a. 10,080
7. b. 2 times more
8. c. 300
9. d. Both (a) and (c)
10. b. False/No
11. a. 12
12. c. 4
13. c. current automobile insurance
14. a. alcohol
15. a. high; low
16. d. All of the above
17. c. 4
18. c. affective
19. b. 30
20. b. lower speeds
21. d. fatal
22. b. substance abuse education and treatment
23. b. 2
24. b. the symptoms of allergic reactions
25. b. worked
26. b. $56 billion.
27. c. sedative
28. c. Stimulants
29. a. 22%
30. e. Both (a) and (c)
31. a. abuse
32. a. True/Yes
33. b. at intersections
34. a. 2 million days
35. b. a safer vehicle
36. c. Opioid-based medications
37. b. vehicle speed
38. d. All of the above
39. b. 39%
40. a. .01%