1. The bridge is made of stone.

1-2. The bridge is made out of stone.
1-3. The bridge is made from stone.
(Which one is correct?)

2. Wine is made from grapes.
(Can't we use 'of' instead of 'from'?)

3. Grapes are made into wine.
(Is #3 the same as #2?)

4. He is reading a book at the library.
4-1. He is reading a book in the library.
(Can we use both 'at' and 'in'?
Which one is popular?)

5. He is running in the classroom.
5-1. He is running at the classroom.
(Can we use 'at' instead of 'in'?
Do we have to use only 'in'?)

6. He bought a bunch of flowers at the flower shop.

6-1. He bought a bunch of flowers in the flower shop.

(Can we use both 'at' and'in'? In many cases, can we use both 'at' and 'in'? Let me know how to use 'at' and 'in'.)

7. He lives in a small town in England.
7-1. He lives at a small town in England.
(How about these sentences? Do we have to use 'at' or 'in'? Are both OK?)

1 answer

1. All three are correct. The first two are the most commonly used expressions.

2. Yes, either "of" or "from" can be used in that expression.

3. Yes, they mean approximately the same thing.

4. They are both correct, but the second is the more commonly used expression.

5. Only the first one works for this particular meaning.

6. Both are fine.

7. Only the first one is correct.