1. The attached bombs.zip file contains 19 bombs. These bombs have been numbered and every one needs to break only one. The assignment is as follows. For example, student 191464104 needs to break binaryBomNo.2.exe. You need to find out the 6-digit password of your bomb.

bomb ID student ID name
1 191464101 萨米尔
2 191464104 于笛
3 191464107 利拉
4 191464110 李乐
5 191464111 克里斯
6 191464112 石达
7 191464115 卡珊达
8 191464122 顾朴
9 191464129 海德
10 191464130 赫姆
11 191464132 贺曼
12 191464134 rudolf
13 191464135 陶亚
14 191464136 碧特
15 191464137 木雷
16 191464138 高飞
17 191600101 西蒙Simon Foeckeler
18 191600122 库卡(Paulius Kutka)
19 191600123 英卡斯(Tomas Eglinskas)
2. You need to submit your project via email to zxj by 2016-10-8 23:59. In your email, you have to write down:
1) the id of you bomb, the password of your bomb (2 points), and
2) how you find it out (3 points). Specifically, if you break the bomb via disassembly, you need to specify the tools you use, and the exact procedure. If you break the bomb by manual brute-force search, you need to write down the time it takes. If you break the bomb by writing another program that performs the brute-force search for you, then you need to include the program, and write down the time it takes to get the password.