
The area of Greenland is 840,000 square miles. What is this number in scientific notation?

What is this number in standard form?

5.75 x 10^9

In a recent year the world production of wheat was about 5.2 x 10^8 metric tons. What is this number in standard notation?

26 answers

I am not going to do many for you, so think out why my answers are as they are

a. 8.4 E5 where E means times 10 to the 5th power.
b. 5 750 000 000

c. 520,000,000 tons
thanks!!! That really helped!!!
to the poster above, how did you find this then? :P you would have had to look like up on Google, so you're a cheater too.
How did you all find this site and how? you are all cheaters!!!!
Ok guys, i saw this looking through some calculators i could use to help my grandma with her shopping list, and i found this. Why are you cheating? This is WRONG! If you really do not understand then ask a grownup for help! And you could probably ask experts here, but dont ask them for the ANSWERS! Ask them to explain something you do not understand. People who go on here to answer questions go on here to answer QUESTION! Not give the exact answers! Why don't you just ask someone for a little help?
I understand where you are coming from but I know that my parents are always super busy and I can’t ask them about a problem I don’t really understand. I going to speak for everyone and say we go to this site because we need help and want to get the right answers fast.
Jazzzmin is 100% correct
you know saying that were cheaters dosent really help.
I know you think we're all cheaters but why would you take the time to make an account and write this comment if you were trying to find a "calculator for your grandma"
Jazzmine is correct! 100%
lol right
im with callie but that was a little harsh. And the only reason is if i need help not answers and i think it is fine if you use this websit for help but its not good to cheat with it.
this is ceating, go get a tutor, not a freaking human answer sheet
I'm pretty sure everyone on this website cheats honestly I don't need this in my life cause I'm in America? They use this in the U.K? I guess I personally won't ever use 'scientific notation' So I'd rather cheat.
i agree with iiiit i have been using this site since i was in 7th grade
girl this stuff is useless any way all this work is just a waste of my life
agreed dawgg
Thank you jazzzmin!
nugget squad you need a tutor, you can't even spell. SMFH
have u guys ever thought some people cant afford tutors, have u ever thought that some dont have no one at all to help them, have u ever thought some people are trying their best and come here for help just to check answers, have u ever thought to not always criticize ppl for coming on here, There are alot of ppl that actually have trouble understanding things and just cant get it some of you make it hard or maybe even make them feel bad about themselves then they already have. just keep the bs comments and negativity to yourself. And why are you on here if your not so-called cheating, your worried about what someone else is doing. ITS NOT YOUR WORK Or if you want them to have a tutor PAY FOR IT. And sick of the teachers that always have something to say, when u dont even want help them. Just wanna whine and complain. Instead why dont you leave your info and ask if anybody needs help. leave these kids alone. And some of you are the reason why some kids dont even wanna go to school.
Jazzmin is correct!!!!!!!!!
Lesson 7: Scientific Notation Basics
Algebra Readiness (Pre-Algebra) A Unit 4: Rational Numbers
Colorado 8th grade quick check answers:

1. C
2. B
3. A
4. D
5. C

Listen these are the answers for 2020, I do not know if these answers will stay the same through out the years. I am not trying to tell you guy's to cheat, then again I do not control you. These are just the answers I got. That are correct. Please feel free to message me asking any questions. LOL I sound like a teacher.