1) T/F. Although there are many benefits in parents and teachers working together, research shows no change in children's learning when parents are involved. False

2) T/F. An appropriate approach to the initial conference at the beginning of the school year would be a questionnaire so that the teacher can become well acquainted with the child and the child's family. True
3) T/F. Assessment information should be used at parent-teacher conferences to confirm the child's abilities and achievements and provide proof of the child's developmental level. True
4) Assessment of the children's development
I. is the process of determining the degree to which children's individual needs are being met.
II. is of importance in planning what will be taught and how it will be accomplished.
III. does not take into account each child's cultural background, needs, and interest.
IV. should be shared with parents.
V. should consider multiple sources of data across time.
A- All of the above
B- I, II, IV, V
C- I, III, V
Answer: D
5) T/F. Assessment tests should be used to determine grade or level placement for children. T
6) T/F. At least daily children should have a block of time for spontaneous, free play. F
7) Authentic assessment
I. is often referred to as performance assessment because it considers what children can do rather than what they know.
II. should be used very sparingly in early childhood.
III. is the process of acquiring information through organized observation to make decisions about a child.
IV. is a requirement in most early childhood programs.
V. is usually conducted in the significant context of the child's normal work and play environment.
A- All of the above
B- I, II, IV, and V
C- II, IV, and V
D- I, III, and V
Answer: B
8) T/F. Competition in games and physical activities adds a fun and rewarding dimension for children in the early childhood stage of development. T
9) T/F. During the 17th and 18th centuries, children were not looked upon as being important and valuable. T
10) T/F. Early childhood professionals should use entrance tests to determine readiness and admittance for kindergarten. F
11) T/F. Friedrich Froebel originated the first kindergarten in Germany. T
12) T/F. Group-administered standardized tests are recommended once children are in 1st grade. F
13) T/F. How a child feels about himself/herself is reflected in his/her behavior. F
14) T/F. In America, Margaret McMillan started the first nursery school. T
15) T/F. Letter grades and scores should not be used until after 3rd grade. T
16) T/F. One of the greatest benefits of free play or self-directed, self-discovery play, is that it allows children the opportunity of making choices for themselves, and of having some control over their learning and activity. F
17)One of the most long-term, significant happenings of the 1970's was the
A- Education for All Handicapped Children Act.
B-establishment of the Children's Defense Fund.
C-release of the report, A Nation at Risk.
D-establishment of Head Start.
Answer: C
18)T/F. Parents should not be used on policy planning boards or committees. F
19) T/F. Pestalozzi emphasized the importance of individual differences. T
20) T/F. Play is most valuable when teachers plan, define, shape and carry out children's play activities. T
21) T/F. Reflection is an important element for children in an early childhood portfolio. T
22) T/F. Rotating and changing areas and materials in the room creates insecurity in the children. F
23) T/F. Rubrics are not an appropriate use of self-assessment in early childhood. T
24) Some of the inappropriate uses of assessment in early childhood are the
I. use of tests to compare teachers, schools, and school districts.
II. use of tests to judge the success of a program.
III. use of entrance tests to determine readiness and admittance to kindergarten.
IV. use of tests to determine the retention of children.
V. use of test material to determine what should be taught.
A- All of the above
B- I, III, IV, and V
C- I, II. V
D- I, II, III, and V
25) T/F. Teachers should not interact or interfere with children during free play experiences. T
26) T/F. The best measure of a child's success will be the child's performance on a standardized test. T
27) The early philosopher who suggested that children pass through developmental stages was
A- Locke.
B- Pestalozzi.
28)T/F. The entire book supply should be out at all times so that children have a good variety from which to choose. F
29)T/F. Toy boxes are not an appropriate means for storing young children's toys. F
30) When early childhood teachers use a needs assessment, they learn
I. individual children's strengths.
II. developmental needs of individual children.
III. competencies that need to be taught and those that need stressing.
IV. which children can be advanced and which retained.
A- All of the above
Answer: B
31) T/F. With regard to parent meetings, both the topics planned and the time and amount of meetings planned in a year should be based on the needs of the parents involved. T
Are these answers correct? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

4 answers

Why did you repost those questions that I told you were right yesterday? The right answers haven't changed since then.
I didn't know if all of them were correct. Sorry
They are not all correct. Please go back and take notes or print the answers I posted last last night.

I am not going to go through all 31 questions and answers again. However, if you post only those questions and answers I didn't correct last night, I'll try to check those. You're on your own for the true-false questions. But I will check the multiple choice answers.
Can you help me with the multiple choice please?