1. Suppose Mr. Smith holds so much prejudice against a student that it causes him to treat that student
unjustly or unfairly. Mr. Smith is demonstrating
A. stereotyping. C. handicappism.
B. discrimination. D. racism.
2. If one child displays discriminatory behavior toward another in the classroom, you should
A. seat the two students apart from one another.
B. discipline the child immediately for misbehavior.
C. have the children involved discuss their differences.
D. consult the child’s parents about the discriminatory remarks.
3. An example of an exceptional child is one who
A. is prejudiced against others. C. speaks a foreign language.
B. excels in ESL classes. D. is physically challenged.
4. To be a truly successful teacher aide in a nonbiased, culturally diverse classroom, you must
A. be concerned about and aware of the problems of both minority and nonminority students.
B. be particularly sensitive to minority students, as many come from unstable homes.
C. rely on and participate in your school’s training in the areas of multicultural and nonbiased
D. rid yourself of all ethnic and cultural biases or prejudices.
5. A student who has limited English proficiency would most likely be placed in a(n)
A. ESL I class. C. LEP class.
B. ESL II class. D. sheltered-content class.
6. To say that all African-American males are fast runners is an example of
A. prejudice. C. stereotype.
B. sexism. D. bias.
7. Besides learning to speak and read English, another goal of an ESL program is to
A. prepare immigrant students for U.S. citizenship.
B. help immigrant students “graduate� from bilingual classes to English-only ones.
C. reduce the use by immigrants of their native tongue.
D. help immigrants assimilate and adjust socially to their new country.
8. In general, the best type of multicultural classroom materials are those that
A. demonstrate stereotypes of other biased behaviors.
B. can be used in a wide variety of ways.
C. are unusual or unique items from foreign countries.
D. are ordered from specialized multicultural learning catalogs.
9. To be a teacher aide in an ESL classroom, you should
A. have an ear for language.
B. receive certification in ESL instruction, if possible.
C. speak at least one other language besides English.
D. have prior teacher aide experience in a “regular� classroom.
10. The origins of ESL programs came about in the United States as a result of
A. an increased influx of immigrant students in our nation’s public schools during the 1970s.
B. a large number of German immigrants who settled in the United States during the mid-1800s.
C. the inability of public schools to afford to provide bilingual education to immigrant students.
D. the U.S. Civil Rights movement of the 1960s, which called for equal education opportunities.
11. As a teacher aide in an ESL classroom, it’s within your responsibilities to
A. meet with parents one-on-one to discuss their child’s progress.
B. provide language translation for the teacher when requested.
C. determine when an ESL student is ready to be mainstreamed into a “regular� classroom.
D. keep the lines of communication open between teachers, students, and parents.
12. The best way for a school to demonstrate multicultural awareness is to
A. host special “ethnic� or “diversity� student assemblies.
B. include multicultural content in as many subject areas as possible—in mathematics, science, etc.
C. celebrate ethnic or cultural holidays throughout the year.
D. review all classroom materials and books for appropriate cultural content.
13. In an ESL classroom, teacher aides should prepare themselves to
A. learn or become familiar with appropriate language-related software programs.
B. handle all disciplinary measures that arise on behalf of the teacher.
C. counsel parents regarding their child’s progress or problems.
D. construct lesson plans as needed.
14. As a teacher aide in a multicultural classroom, you should realize that
A. your teacher is the best resource for information on diversity-related information.
B. it’s up to you to help improve children’s attitudes today, so we can have a better world tomorrow.
C. multicultural awareness is a lifelong endeavor.
D. the best way to teach a child about other cultures is to learn about his or her own heritage first.
15. When selecting books for the classroom you should avoid ones that include
A. nontraditional roles such as or people, single parents, etc.
B. stereotyped characters due to race, gender, or exceptionality.
C. characters who are unrealistic or don’t resemble real people or real life.
D. characters who are too powerful or overbearing.
16. According to James A. Banks, one of the most important elements of a successful multicultural
program is
A. the teacher’s attitude toward diversity and ethnic content.
B. having enough money to support a detailed program.
C. asking minority teachers to teach multicultural curriculum content.
D. community participation in your school’s multicultural program.
17. A common stereotype against females is that they are
A. messy. C. active.
B. passive. D. competitive.
18. To welcome a new Asian student into your classroom, it would be appropriate to
A. greet him or her warmly with a hug.
B. have the student introduce himself or herself to the class.
C. have classmates greet the new student by saying “welcome� in the child’s native tongue.
D. host a surprise party or celebration in honor of the new student.
19. To encourage positive self-esteem among students in an antibiased classroom, you should
A. encourage equal competition among the sexes as much as possible.
B. give rewards that provide instant gratification.
C. push all students to be the best that they can be.
D. provide special recognition to individual achievers when appropriate.
20. Taking children on a field trip to a local senior center or nursing home is an activity you can use to
A. racism. C. exceptionality.
B. prejudice. D. ageism.
Could you please review my answers...and if there is a mistake please feel free to direct me to how to find the correct answer.
6 answers
4. I knew many rednecks who attended all the schools training, but it didn't change them a hoot.
19. On c, I am not certain what "push" means. I would prefer Encourage, challenge. Our job is to make every child the master of his own ship.
We discriminate when we treat
people unfairly or unequally, on the basis of race, sex, or exceptionality.
(Exceptional people are different in some way, meaning that they may
be physically challenged and/or unusually gifted.)
Thank you both for your input.
Good luck on your test.
And you're very welcome. I've enjoyed seeing what you're studying.
(a)deductive thinking (my answer)
(b)inductive thinking
(c)discovery learning
(d)knowledge based learning
(2) which technique is used after a student gives a wrong answer and the teacher continues to aim questions at that student?
(b)probing (my answer)