1.)Studies conducted in england during the industrial revolution have shown that children born to poor families were, on average, shorter than those born to wealthier parents. The most likely expalanation for this difference in hieghts is a difference in
B.)Family Size
C.)Genetic Makeup
D.)Genetic Disorders
2.)A woman with a genetic disease marries a man who does not carry the disease. I is not possible for their children to have the disease. The disease must be
D.)Cause by an extra chromosome
3.)Which of the folllowing is an example of inbreeding
A.)A farmer chooses the cows in his or hers herd that produce the milk and breeds only those cows
B.)A farmer chooses the cow s in his or her herd that produce the most milk and breeds them with cows that get sick less often
C.)A Farmer chooses the cows in his or hers herd that produce the most milk and injects them produce more milk
D.)A Farmer chooses the cows in his or her herd that produce the most milk and pulls them out of the breeding stock
4.)Scientists have inserted the gene for human insulin into bacteria. These bacteria make the insulin protein, which can then be used by people who have diabetes. This process is an example of
B.)Gene Therapy
C.)Selective breeding
D.)Genetic Engineering
5.)What was the main effect of the 1763 Treaty of Paris
A. France gained more Canadian territories.
B. Spain lost all its holdings in North America
C. Britain gained more land in North America
D. Native Americans lost most of their tribal lands
A.)France gained more ccanadian territores
B.)Spain lost all its holdings innorth america
C.)Britian gained more land in north american
D.)Native americans lost most of their tribal lands
6.)how did the french and indian war lead to american independence
A.)It helped colonists take over the fur trade , which gave them money for the revolutionary war
B.)It showed that the colonists did not need the british becuase they learned to fight battles alone
C.)It left the british with a large debt burden, which led to heavy taxation of the colonists
D.)It made the colonists afraid becuase they saw france lose canada as a colony to british
8.)what did the wrists of assistance do?
A.) lowered taxes
B.)Discouraged resettlement
C.)prevented snuggling
D.)Taxed paper goods
9.)The british and the colonists had many conflicts in the time before the american revolution. what conclusion can be made about why so much conflict occured in boston
A.)The king wanted to control Boston because the wealthiest colonists lived there.
B.)The British did not like Boston because most colonists there did not own slaves.
C.)The people of Boston were taxed by the king, while Southern colonies were not.
D.)The king was enforcing more policies in Boston as an example to all the colonies.
10.)The american colonists became more and more unhappy with british rule in the years leading up to the american revolution. which statement best explains this
A.)The colonists wanted to fight the British.
B.)The colonists wanted freedom from taxes.
C.)The colonists wanted better material goods.
D.)The colonists disliked increasing British control
11.)Which of the following fathers is described by this list?
>Wrote the declaration of independence
>represented Virginia at the 2nd continental congress
A.)Alexander Hamilton
B.)Benjamin Franklin
C.)James Madison
D.)Thomas jefferson
12.)Which of the following accomplishments is accociated with george washington?
A.)Helped organize the sons of liberty
B.)Known as an author, statesman, and scientist
C.)Member of the declaration of independence committee
D.)Served as commander of the continental army
13.)I know not what course others may take; but as for me, give me liberty or give me death Patrick Henry
How did Patrick Henry act on this idea
A.)He became a ember of the Virginis committee correspondence
B.)He became a member of the declaration of independence committee
C.)He worked as a spy the continental army
D.)He wrote the maryland Delcaration of rights
14.)How were the revolutionary efforts of thomas paine & samuel adams most alike?
A.)Both wrote in support
B.)Both wrote in support of the revolutionary cause
C.)Both were influential in the sons of liberty
D.)Both were imprisoned by the british for their actions
15.)Which anwser best explains the contributions of african-americans during the revolionary
A.)African-Americans only fought for the british side during the revolutionary war. th british promised the slaves their freedom at the end of the war
B.)Africanamericans fought for both the british and american sides during the revolutionary War. both sides offered them freedom or money for fighting
C.)African-Americnas started the war fighting for the british, but switched to support the american troops after being promised money and their freedom
D.)African-Americans only fought for the american side during the revolutionary War. The americans promised the slaves their freedom at the end of the war.
16.)Which anwser best describes part of james Otis's fole in the revolutionary Period
A.)Otis supproted the idea that each colony would have its own legal system
B.)Otis opposed the british practice of executing searches without warrants
C.)Otis opposed the american practice of executuing searches without warrants
D.)Otis supported the british legal system as a way of keeping order in the colonies
17.)Which statement is best supported by the fact that sbigail adams wrote her husband , John Adams , a letters arguing for women's rights while he attended the 2nd continental
18.)Which answser best summaries the purpose of the olive branch petition?
A.)It was written by the colonsts to ask the king to ptotect their rights & tell him they wanted peace. It was rejected by the king
B.)It was written by the king to ask the colonists to protect his troops and tell them he wanted peace. It was rejected by the colonists
C.)It was written by the colonists to ask the 2nd continental congress to have peace talks with the king. The congress accepted the petition
D.)It was written by the king to ask the 2nd continental congress to stop fighting british troops and to pay higher taxes. The congress. The congress rejected the petition
19.)which answer best shows the effects of british soldiers firing upon coloniists in boston, killing five of them
The 1st shots of the american revolutionry are fired , and war between
A.)The 1st shots of the american revolution are fired, & war betwenn the colonies and britian begins
B.)The sons of liberty protest by dumping tea into boston harbor, which becomes known as the Boston Tea Party
C.)Samuel Adams and the sons of liberty call this the boston massacre to gain colonial support against the british
D.)Delegates meet at the 1st continental Congress and demand that britian repeal the coecive (Intoreable) acts
20.)All of the followoign are causes of the american revolution except
A.)The stamp sct
B.)The boston massacre
C.)The Boston Tea party
D.)Paul revere's Ride
21.)Which of the following was the main cause the of the boston tea party?
A.)the Boston massacre
B.)Taxation without representation
C.)The 2nd continental Congress
D.)Quatering british troops in private homes
22.)Which answer puts these revolutionary period events in the correct order?
A.)Boston tea Party, stamp Act, Declaration of independence
b.)Stamp Act,Boston Tea Party,Declaration of Independence
C.)Boston Tea party, Delcaration of independence, Boston Massacre
D.)Delcaration of independence , Boston Massacre, Boston Tea Party
23.)Which was the name of colonists who supported the british crown
24.)Which idea about self-government would have been supported by both patroits & loyalists
A.)Local self -government helps individuals manage political affairs
B.)Self-government under untested political leaders is dangerous
C.)Rights & Freedoms are best protected under a local government
D.)The colonies were ready & able to govern themselves
25.)I am not responsible 4 paying taxes to the british king
A.)Loyalist, beacause most loyalists believed britian owed payments to the colonies
B.)A British official, becuase british colonial leaders argued against the king's policies
C.)An undecided colonist, becuase both patroits & loyalists agreed that british taxes were fair
D.)A Patroit, becuase patroits believed they owed nothing to a government they did not choose
1 answer