1)Solve the matrix:[2x] [14]for x
2)V[3 1]
[0 2]
[-4 5].The dimensions of matrix V.
3)The first row of T+U
T[4 -5 2] U[-9 6 4]
[8 -1 3] [-5 -2 3]
answer=[-5 1 6]
4)The first row of V-T.
V[3 1] T[4 -5 2]
[0 2] [8 -1 3]
[-4 5]
answer=not possible
1) Did you leave out an = sign between 2x and 14? If so, they are scalar matrics and 2x = 14, so x = 7. I have no idea what you also have 3y = 12
2. Yes, V has three row ans two columns.
3. correct
4. correct. You cannot subtract matrices of unequal dimensions.
its suppose to be
Solve the matrix:[2x] [14]for x
[3y]= [12]
well its still not posting right but the 3 is under the 2 and the 12 is under the 14
The matrix
is just an arrangement of 4 numbers. You have not set it equal to anything else, so I don't know what you mean by "solving" it for x. I also don't understand the meaning of your bracket symbols. Is is supposed to denote a determinant?
Because of the limited graphic capability here, and a shortage of available qualified staff, Jiskha is probably not a suitable place to get help with matrix problems.
thats the way my book has it.theyre in brackets.but that's basically the idea,could you look over my other problems for me?