1. can't make out what the expression is
the 2.3^1 is puzzling, why raise anything to the 1 ?
2. No idea what your graphing calculator is, nor can I make out the matrix
3. aaahh, a question that came out ok
must look like:
there are 10 choices for a, and 10 choices for b
so there would be 100 of your kind of numbers
4. take an example
prime #1 = 13 prime #2 = 23
n = (13)(23) = ....
so including 1 an n itself, wouldn't there just be 4 factors ??
1. Simplify
2.3^5 log base 2.3^1
2. How do you solve this matrix using a graphing calculator
A=9 -3 1 B=-7 X= x
1 1 1 -3 y
16 4 1 21 z
3. How many 4-digits numbers have the thousands digit equal to 2 and the units digit equal to 7?
4. If p and q are two different prime numbers greater than 2, and n=pq, how many positive factors, including 1 and n, does n have?
1 answer