1. Shopping malls, hotels, office parks, and residential areas that are located near the intersection of major highways are called

a. enterprise zones
b. edge cities
c. red zones
d. metropolitan statistical areas

2. One effect of urbanization is

a. decreased variety in business and services
b. a greater number of families headed by women
c. a decreased need for infrastructure
d. cities have a growing influence on society

3. A population explosion occurs when a country experiences

a. high birthrates and low death rates
b. a "demographic free fall"
c. low birthrates and low death rates
d. high birthrates and high death rates

4. The ______ are urban residents who cannot move when community or personal changes occur or when other groups move in.

a. cosmopolites
b. singles
c. deprived
d. trapped

5. According to Anti-Malthusians, we should be more concerned about with ______ than overpopulation.

a. genetically modified foods
b. population shrinkage
c. the effects of pollution
d. keeping cities in check

1 answer

Edge city" is term that originated in the United States for a concentration of business, shopping, and entertainment outside a traditional downtown (or central business district) in what had previously been a residential or rural area. The term was popularized by the 1991 book Edge City: Life on the New ... In most cases a 'privatopia' is formed within edge city residential areas.

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