1. Select at least three competencies (not including communication and leadership) and list in the appropriate space. One competency is required to be Equity and Inclusion.

2. Write the gaps identified in step 2. Insert additional rows as needed.
3. For each gap, identify the actions required to close the gap, resources/ support, and timing. It should take more than one action to develop your career competencies.

1 answer

1. Equity and Inclusion
2. Problem-Solving
3. Adaptability

Gaps Identified:

| Competency | Gap |
| -------------------| -------------------------------------- |
| Equity and Inclusion | Need to develop a deeper understanding of social justice issues and how they impact marginalized communities |
| Problem-Solving | Struggle with analyzing complex problems and developing innovative solutions |
| Adaptability | Find it challenging to quickly adjust to changes in work environment or responsibilities |

Actions Required:

1. Equity and Inclusion:
- Attend diversity training workshops and seminars
- Join a social justice advocacy group
- Take online courses on diversity and inclusion
Resources/ Support:
- Human Resources department for training opportunities
- Mentor or coach
- Complete diversity training within the next 6 months
- Join advocacy group within 3 months

2. Problem-Solving:
- Practice critical thinking exercises regularly
- Collaborate with colleagues on challenging projects
- Seek feedback on problem-solving approaches
Resources/ Support:
- Professional development workshops on problem-solving skills
- Ask supervisor for guidance on improving problem-solving skills
- Start practicing critical thinking exercises immediately
- Collaborate on a challenging project within the next month

3. Adaptability:
- Volunteer for cross-functional projects
- Take on new responsibilities outside of comfort zone
- Engage in mindfulness and stress-management practices to improve resilience
Resources/ Support:
- Support from supervisor to explore new opportunities
- Emotional intelligence training
- Volunteer for cross-functional project within the next 2 months
- Engage in mindfulness practices starting next week