(1) Sale looked at the map one more time. (2) She knew that the whole troop was depending on her. (3) Sal couldn't decide if the trial was to the east or to the west. (4) The map was confusing. (5) Sal was tired. (6) She needed to make a decision.

1. Which of these revision combines sentences 5 and 6 using a subordinating conjunction?

She needed to make a decision, yet Sal was so tired. THIS ONE

She needed to make a decision, and Sal was so tired.

So Sal was tired, and she needed to make a decision.

Even though Sal was tired, she needed to make a decision.

2. Which of the following sentences would intensify the suspense in this passage?

The sun was setting fast. THIS ONE

Water babbled in a nearby brook.

One of the troop members laughed softly.

A leaf wafted gently by.

3. Which revision to sentence 6 contains an example of vivid description?

She needed to make a decision immediately.

The troop was waiting, and she needed to make a decision.

There was no more time to hesitate; she needed to make a decision, and quickly, too.

Sale felt the troop members' eyes boring holes into her back; she needed to make a decision. THIS ONE

2 answers

1. no -- "yet" is not a subordinating conjunction

2. yes

3. yes
1. no

2. yes

3. yes