1. Read the following paragraph from “Like the Sun” in Reading the World (your textbook) on PDF pages 506-510.

Find some details in the story that help shape and refine the story’s theme. What would you say the theme of it is? Explain their impact. How does that theme show itself in the story. Use examples of what characters said and did to support your claim.

2. In the story “Behind the Veil”, why does she hug her veil at the end and tell it how much she loves it? What does the veil provide for her? Use examples from the story in Reading the World (your textbook) on PDF page 476 to help you with this.

3. Read “Five Hours to Simla” in Reading the World (your textbook) on PDF pages 484-496.

Name the main conflict in this story and state whether it is external or internal. How does each family member deal with this conflict?

4. Read “The Cabuliwallah” (the fruit seller) in Reading the World (your textbook) on PDF pages 497-505.

How does Mini’s relationship with both the Cabuliwallah and her father change by the time she is ready for marriage? Describe the changes in her personality. What account for those changes?

5. Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.

A number of scuba divers _______ an underwater expedition.

A. plans
B. was planning
C. have planned
D. has planned

6. Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.

June Walters, along with her friend, ____ baked some delicious cakes.

A. have
B. has
C. have been
D. has not

7. Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.

A team of explorers ____ the ocean floor.

A. was studying
B. is studying
C. have been studying
D. has been studying

8. Choose the correct verb form to complete the following sentence.

Both light and heat ____ causes of the sofa’s fading color.

A. was
B. were
C. is
D. isn’t

9. What is one disadvantage of accessing Internet through a public search engine such as Google or Yahoo?

A. It’s open to anyone, so the information comes from many different people.
B. You won’t be able to access documents that have not been published online.
C. A huge amount of information can be found at your fingertips.
D. The Internet changes continuously, some sources keep cropping up.

10. Which of the following would always require a citation in a research paper?

A. A thesis statement
B. An anecdotal experience
C. A quotation
D. A humorous statement

1 answer

1. The theme of “Like the Sun” is the betrayal of trust. The impact of this theme is that it exposes the flaws in human nature. The theme is shown in the story when the judge betrays his friend’s trust by telling him the truth about his appearance. He does this under the guise of being “honest”, but in reality he wants to demonstrate his power and display his own discomfort with the truth. The judge’s friend, Sekhar, is devastated by the revelation and sees it as a betrayal of their friendship. He feels humiliated and his sense of self is shattered. This is evidenced by his reaction to the revelation: “he realized that his highest ideals had been shattered like a glass hit by a stone” (508).

2. The veil provides a sense of security and identity for the protagonist in “Behind the Veil”. She hugs it at the end of the story and tells it how much she loves it because it represents her cultural heritage and her devotion to her faith. The veil allows her to feel a connection to her community and to God, and it shields her from the unwanted attention of men. This is demonstrated in the story when the protagonist describes how she feels without her veil: “As I went into the bazaar, I felt as if I had walked into a den of wolves. Men stared at me lecherously” (476).

3. The main conflict in “Five Hours to Simla” is an external conflict between the family and the oppressive heat of India’s summer. Each family member deals with the conflict in their own way. The father, who represents tradition, insists on wearing his heavy woolen clothes despite the heat. The mother, who represents modernity, challenges her husband’s traditional beliefs and insists on wearing light clothing. The daughter is caught between the two viewpoints and struggles to figure out whose side she’s on.

4. Mini’s relationship with the Cabuliwallah and her father changes by the time she is ready for marriage. Initially, Mini is curious about the Cabuliwallah and enjoys his stories and gifts. However, after her father is imprisoned for assaulting the fruit-seller, Mini becomes afraid of him and sees him as a threat. She grows distant from him and no longer invites him into their home. By the time she is ready for marriage, Mini has grown into a more mature and compassionate person. She sees the Cabuliwallah’s humanity and forgives him for his past mistakes. This is evidenced by her decision to invite him to her wedding: “‘I will ask the Cabuliwallah to come tomorrow morning,’ she said to her mother” (505).

5. A number of scuba divers are planning an underwater expedition.

6. June Walters, along with her friend, has baked some delicious cakes.

7. A team of explorers has been studying the ocean floor.

8. Both light and heat are causes of the sofa’s fading color. (Note: This is an example of a compound subject, which takes a plural verb.)

9. One disadvantage of accessing Internet through a public search engine such as Google or Yahoo is that it’s open to anyone, so the information comes from many different people. This can make the information less reliable than information from a scholarly source.

10. A quotation would always require a citation in a research paper.