2- 0 0
0 0
1.Provide a unitary that maps |+> to |1>and |-> to |0> . Enter 0 in all boxes if no such unitary exists. (In this case, you have to enter 0 explicitly. Blanks are not accepted.)
2.Provide a unitary that maps |+> to|0> and |-> to |+> . Enter 0 in all boxes if no such unitary exists. (In this case, you have to enter 0 explicitly. Blanks are not accepted.)
7 answers
III)Provide a unitary that maps cos (30) |0> + sin (30) |1> to cos(-15) |0> + sin(-15) |1> and cos(5) |0> + sin(5) |1> to cos(-40) |0> + sin(-40) |1> . Enter 0 in all boxes if no such unitary exists.
III) 1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)
-1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)
-1/sqrt(2) 1/sqrt(2)
What is the matrix (4x4) for ZX (Z applied on the first qubit and X applied on the second qubit)?
Answer for 1) pls?
ZX 4x4 matrix is
Anyone got this below:
If the first qubit is in the state 2/sqrt(5)|0> - 1/sqrt(5)|1> and the second qubit is in the state 1/sqrt(2)|0> - i/sqrt(2)|1>, what is the state of the composite system?
If the first qubit is in the state 2/sqrt(5)|0> - 1/sqrt(5)|1> and the second qubit is in the state 1/sqrt(2)|0> - i/sqrt(2)|1>, what is the state of the composite system?