1) Presidents often seek to control the federal bureaucracy by doing all of the following except:

a) filling the top echelon of executive organizations with political appointees who share their values.
b) assigning members of the White House staff responsibility for monitoring executive agencies.
c) running major policy operations from the White House through White House “czars.”
* d) firing uncooperative civil servants and disregarding their demands.

2) In the American civil service system, workers are hired on the basis of:
* a) merit.
b) partisan politics.
c) loyalty.
d) test taking ability.

3) In an independent agency:
a) Congress has considerable control.
b) the President has absolute control.
* c) the President and Congress do not have much control.
d) the agency is answerable to the Supreme Court.

4) American bureaucracy founded on principles of scientific management is built on all of the following principles except:
* a) division of labor.
b) chain of command.
c) span of control.
d) bureaucratic democracy.

5) Contemporary American bureaucracy is characterized by all except:
a) positions are legally defined.
b) officials hold a type of tenure.
c) officials’ salaries are based on their status in the organization.
* d) first priority in hiring is given to family and friends.

6) Given the standard of “High Crimes and Misdemeanors,” a President who uses military force despite the refusal of Congress to authorize it:
a) could be sent to jail.
* b) could be subject to impeachment.
c) must be acting under the War Powers Act.
will be defeated when he comes up for reelection.

7) The active-negative President is someone who may have all of the following except:
a) an active policy agenda.
b) an energetic work ethic.
c) a sabotaging personality trait.
* d) a positive and even temperament.

8) One significant component of a President’s ability to persuade is:
* a) his popularity with the voters.
b) his ability to threaten Congress with armed force.
c) his constitutional authority to grant pardons.
d) his ability to appoint judges to the federal judiciary.

9) In a Presidential election, the candidate must:
a) win both the popular and electoral vote.
b) win the Supreme Court vote.
* c) win a minimum of 270 electoral votes.
d) win majorities in ¾ of the states.

10) The reason that the President is called the Commander-in-Chief in the Constitution is because the Framers wanted:
a) to provide the President with authority over the secretary of defense.
* b) to establish the principle of civilian control of the armed forces.
c) to establish a basis for presidential prerogative.
d) to give the President some power against impeachment

10 answers

I agree with all of your answers.
I got 9 out of 10 right...don't know which one I got wrong tho
It's possible that 6 is c. Check your text.
Theodore Lowi suggested the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was (Points : 1)
returning to juridical democracy.
delegating even more authority.
reducing the size of government.
throwing money at the problem.
The tendency of Congress to defer to the President in foreign policy has at times led to
#4 is D
Bur Dem
under the budget reform act the Presidency may defer spending appropriated funds if congress fails to act within 45 days of being notified about the deferment (b) may never dfer spending appriopriated funds (c) spend more that was allocated (d) does not need to request approved to defer specials funds
Theodore Lowi suggested the remedy for cumbersome bureaucracy was (Points : 1)
returning to juridical democracy.
delegating even more authority.
reducing the size of government.
throwing money at the problem
1. Question :
The nerve center of the American Presidency is
the President’s Cabinet.
***the Executive Office of the President.
the Congressional houses.
the Civil Service.

Question 2.
A foreign policy president tends to be stronger than a domestic policy president because

presidents usually have stronger foreign policy backgrounds.
Congress has more public support domestically and less internationally than the President.
***Congress defers to the President because he is the sole foreign policy organ.
Congress confirmed this arrangement after a constitutional crisis.

Question 3.
History has demonstrated that a candidate who wants to secure his party’s nomination must often win

only presidential primaries.
only participatory caucuses.
only big state primaries.
*** either the New Hampshire primary or the Iowa caucus.
Instructor Explanation: The answer can be found in “Presidential Primaries.”

Question 4:
The active-negative President is someone who may have all of the following except

*** an active policy agenda.
an energetic work ethic.
a sabotaging personality trait.
a positive and even temperament.

Question 5.
The 2000 presidential election is an example of where it is possible to

*** win the popular vote but not have a majority vote in the Electoral College.
become President by losing both the Iowa Caucus and the New Hampshire Primary.
become President without having a recount of ballots.
replace the Electoral College with the principle of one person-one vote.

Question 6. The American bureaucracy was deliberately designed to be inefficient to ensure that _____________________ are protected when bureaucrats cannot act arbitrarily because they need to get approval up the chain of command.

the President and the Congress
the Executive and Legislative Branches
*** accountability and individual liberty
national economy and individual finances

Question 7.
Woodrow Wilson argued that administration should be concerned solely with

electing the right candidate.
*** the detailed and systematic execution of public law.
ensuring that party bosses get lucrative public works contracts.
making sure that workers support party bosses.

Question 8.
The American bureaucracy conjures up the following images except

Student Answer: cumbersome “red tape.”
civil servants who are inefficient, unresponsive, and unhelpful.
officials who have amassed power and who act against the rights of citizens.
*** a system that can act quickly in a crisis.

Question 9.
Frederick Winslow Taylor was concerned with all of the following except

*** making workers feel appreciated.
making first class workers out of second class workers.
good management.

Question 10. Question :
American bureaucracy founded on principles of scientific management is built on all of the following principles except

*** division of labor.
chain of command.
span of control.
bureaucratic democracy.

All of these are right....
(***means that is the answer you are looking for)
the answer to number 4 is bureaucratic democracy