1. Please select your topic:

A. The cave paintings of Altamira, Spain

B. Stonehenge, England

C. Sumerian Bull's Head Lyre of Tomb of Paubi

D. Ishtar Gate

2. Who is the creator of the art? (10 points)
BoldItalicUnderlineBullet listNumbered list
0 / 10000 Word Limit
Question 3
3. Elements of Art: Identify elements of the art (that apply): color, line, shape and form(10 points)
BoldItalicUnderlineBullet listNumbered list
0 / 10000 Word Limit
Question 4
4. Identify principles of the art (that apply): emphasis, variety, balance (10 points)
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0 / 10000 Word Limit
Question 5
5. Emotion – Student describes the mood or feeling expressed in this artwork. Why do you feel this way?
Does this artwork remind you of any other experiences or objects?(20 points)
BoldItalicUnderlineBullet listNumbered list
0 / 10000 Word Limit
Question 6
6. Purpose – Student describes possible meanings, idea, concepts of symbols, Signs, and/or
representations to show meaning(10 points)
BoldItalicUnderlineBullet listNumbered list
0 / 10000 Word Limit
Question 7
7. Judgement- Student judges what is good (or not so good) about the project or structure?
Student theorizes why the artwork or structure is (or is not) important
Student provides specific examples and clearly describes why s/he feels this way.(20 points)

1 answer

Let's choose A. The cave paintings of Altamira, Spain for the rest of the questions.

Question 2: Who is the creator of the art? (10 points)

The Altamira cave paintings, discovered in the late 19th century, are attributed to the prehistoric people of the Magdalenian culture. These artists remain anonymous, as the specific individuals who created these works are unknown.

Question 3: Elements of Art: Identify elements of the art (that apply): color, line, shape, and form. (10 points)

  • Color: The paintings use natural pigments derived from ochre and charcoal, resulting in earthy tones of red, brown, black, and yellow.
  • Line: The artists employed both contour and outline techniques to create dynamic representations of the animals depicted.
  • Shape: The shapes of the animals are stylized, capturing their essence rather than presenting them in a realistic manner.
  • Form: The three-dimensionality of the animals is emphasized through the contouring and shading, enhancing their lifelike appearance.

Question 4: Identify principles of the art (that apply): emphasis, variety, balance. (10 points)

  • Emphasis: The focal point of the paintings is usually the larger animals, such as bison, which are depicted prominently against the cave walls.
  • Variety: The artworks feature a range of species and postures, showcasing different animals along with various techniques and colors.
  • Balance: The arrangement of figures across the cave walls often creates a sense of equilibrium, drawing the viewer's eye across the overall composition.

Question 5: Emotion – Student describes the mood or feeling expressed in this artwork. Why do you feel this way? Does this artwork remind you of any other experiences or objects? (20 points)

The mood expressed in the Altamira cave paintings evokes a sense of reverence and awe for the natural world. The lifelike depictions of bison suggest a deep understanding and respect for these animals, reflecting the hunters' connection to their environment. I feel an emotional resonance with the themes of survival and coexistence with nature. This artwork reminds me of experiences in nature, like observing wildlife or hiking in areas where ancient cultures once thrived, enhancing my appreciation for the relationship humans share with the environment.

Question 6: Purpose – Student describes possible meanings, ideas, concepts of symbols, signs, and/or representations to show meaning. (10 points)

The Altamira cave paintings likely served multiple purposes. They may have had a ritualistic significance, representing the spiritual relationship ancient peoples had with animals and the hunt. Additionally, they could be viewed as a form of communication or storytelling, conveying knowledge about wildlife and promoting communal identity among hunters. The imagery could symbolize success in hunting and invoke good fortune, demonstrating the interplay between art and the survival of a community.

Question 7: Judgement - Student judges what is good (or not so good) about the project or structure. Student theorizes why the artwork or structure is (or is not) important. Student provides specific examples and clearly describes why they feel this way. (20 points)

The Altamira cave paintings are remarkable for their intricate detail and the skill exhibited by these prehistoric artists. What is particularly impressive is the way they captured motion in the animals, suggesting a dynamic interaction with their subjects. The importance of this artwork lies not only in its aesthetic value but also in its historical significance; it offers insight into the life, culture, and beliefs of early humans. However, the challenge of preservation is a concern, as the site faces threats from environmental factors and human activity. This highlights a need for conservation efforts to protect such irreplaceable pieces of human history. Overall, the Altamira cave paintings are celebrated for their artistic merit and their capacity to connect us with our ancestors, making them invaluable to our understanding of human development.