- Place the events in the order they happened.
- Henry Ford quits his job at the Edison Company.
- Ford forms the Detroit Auto Company.
- Ford builds the first Model-T automobile.
- The price of Model-T automobiles falls to $500.
- Almost half of the cars sold in America are built by Ford.
- Choose the best answer.
What was special about the Model-T automobile?
- Many Americans could afford to buy one.
- Choose the best answer.
How did Ford treat his factory workers?
- He paid them well for their hard work.
- Choose the best answer.
During World War II, Ford built B-24 _____ planes.
- bomber
- Choose the best answer.
Why are automobiles better than horse-drawn carriages?
- Automobiles can travel further and more quickly.
- Choose the best answer.
As more Americans owned cars, _____.
- communities began to grow outside cities
- Choose the best answer.
To be _____ is to be separated from and alone.
- isolated
- Choose the best answer.
To _______ is to spend money on a business in the hope of making more money.
- invest