1. Photosynthetic sun-basking sharks. Their green fins have chlorophyll to convert sunlight to energy (autotrophs)

2. Chemosynthetic goldfish that convert pollution to food (autotrophs)
3. Aquatic humanoids whose main diet is aqua-wheat and basking sharks. They have fins instead of legs (heterotrophs)
4. Aqua-wheat: one of the few plants that remain, it is similar to algae.
5. Terrestrial Humanoids with 4 arms, their diet consists of butter-roaches and fuzzy hamsters.
6. Tentacled aqua humanoids, they only feed on aqua-wheat and have tentacles for arms and legs.
7. Cockroaches that feed on humanoid waste.
8. Giant Aqua-spiders that live in water and feed on goldfish and basking sharks.
9. Green-haired rats that are photosynthetic.
10. Parasitic mosquitoes that feed off any humanoid
11. Ten-legged fleas that live on the photosynthetic rats and drink blood.
12. Poison Grass - this plant is a hybrid between grass and poison ivy. The plants are toxic to almost everything (autotrophs)
13. Fuzzy hamsters with green hair that use the sunlight to make their food, thought to be related to the rats.
14. Butter-roaches: genetic engineering created these butterfly-like creatures from cockroaches. Butter-roaches eat poison grass.

1 answer

I have number 4 and 12 down so far i just dont know how i would advance