1. Paul collects baseball cards. He has 10 outfielders, 7 pitchers, 3 managers, and 5 infielders. If he grabs a card at random, what is the probability that he will grab an outfielder card?

a. 144
b. 216
c. 8
d. 72

2. If Hank flips one coin and rolls two dice, how many permutations are possible?

a. 2/5
b. 1/5
c. 10/27
d. 2/27

Thanks to anyone who can help me in advance!

2 answers

Please only post your questions once. Repeating posts will not get a quicker response. In addition, it wastes our time looking over reposts that have already been answered in another post. Thank you.

It would help if you proofread your questions before you posted them.

Are you sure you have the right answers to the right questions? Neither fit. However, they do fit the opposite questions.