1.) Over time, giraffes with comparably longer necks continued to survive and reproduce because they were able to reach above the other animals and eat leaves at the top of trees. This is an example of ____.

2.) Labrador retrievers can have yellow, black, or brown fur colors. This is an example of ______.

3.) Webbed feet help ducks swim. Webbed feet are an example of an ____.

4.) In a semi-aquatic habitat, the bird population relies on fish as their food source. The amount of fish that live in this habitat is an example of a _____.
a. adapation
b.selective pressure
c. natural selection
d. genetic variation

1 answer

5.) The ability of some bacteria to develop resistance to antibiotics over time is an example of _____.

a. adaptation
b. selective pressure
c. natural selection
d. genetic variation