Here are the answers to your questions:
Tensions grew globally between which two groups after World War II?
- communists and non-communists
Why did the United States and its allies develop nuclear weapons?
- During the Cold War, the U.S. and its allies were afraid that the Soviet Union would develop nuclear weapons capable of killing many people. The U.S. knew that to have nuclear weapons meant having powerful weaponry that would give them a technological advantage over their enemies.
How did the space race end and why is it significant?
- The space race eventually ended with Soviet and American cooperation. This was especially significant because the Cold War was still going on elsewhere.
Which of the following events caused tensions to increase during the Cold War between 1948 and 1953?
- The USSR successfully tested its first atomic bomb.
What ideas were important to the counterculture movement?
- peace, equality, and harmony
Which of the following best describes Hamas?
- Hamas sought to create a society based on Islamic law.
Which empire forced the Jewish people to leave Palestine after the second Jewish Revolt in 132 CE?
- the Roman Empire
What were the intentions of Mao’s political and social policies in China?
- The Great Leap Forward was intended to boost the economy by quickly industrializing the country. The Cultural Revolution was meant to purge the nation of nonrevolutionary ideas.
What was Gandhi’s role in India’s independence movement?
- Gandhi was a political activist who advocated for nonviolent methods and noncooperation to unjust laws.
What was a common cause of ethnic tension in Cambodia, Myanmar, and Sri Lanka?
- All included a majority group that got power and limited the rights of others.
Feel free to ask if you have more questions!