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Excerpt from Benjamin Franklin's Autobiography
From a child I was fond of reading, and all the little money that came into my hands was ever laid out in books. Pleased with the Pilgrim's Progress, my first collection was of John Bunyan's works in separate little volumes. I afterward sold them to enable me to buy R. Burton's Historical Collections; they were small chapmen's books, and cheap, 40 or 50 in all. My father's little library consisted chiefly of books in polemic divinity, most of which I read, and have since often regretted that, at a time when I had such a thirst for knowledge, more proper books had not fallen in my way since it was now resolved I should not be a clergyman. Plutarch's Lives there was in which I read abundantly, and I still think that time spent to great advantage. There was also a book of De Foe's, called an Essay on Projects, and another of Dr. Mather's, called Essays to do Good, which perhaps gave me a turn of thinking that had an influence on some of the principal future events of my life.
This bookish inclination at length determined my father to make me a printer, though he had already one son (James) of that profession. In 1717 my brother James returned from England with a press and letters to set up his business in Boston. I liked it much better than that of my father, but still had a hankering for the sea. To prevent the apprehended effect of such an inclination, my father was impatient to have me bound to my brother. I stood out some time, but at last was persuaded, and signed the indentures when I was yet but twelve years old. I was to serve as an apprentice till I was twenty-one years of age, only I was to be allowed journeyman's wages during the last year. In a little time I made great proficiency in the business, and became a useful hand to my brother. I now had access to better books. An acquaintance with the apprentices of booksellers enabled me sometimes to borrow a small one, which I was careful to return soon and clean. Often I sat up in my room reading the greatest part of the night, when the book was borrowed in the evening and to be returned early in the morning, lest it should be missed or wanted.
Which aspect of life in early America is illustrated BEST by this excerpt?
A The goal of most Americans was to be healthy.The goal of most Americans was to be healthy.
B Religion was the main interest and study of Americans in the colonies.Religion was the main interest and study of Americans in the colonies.
C Most Americans had to work for a living, yet many wanted to be educated.Most Americans had to work for a living, yet many wanted to be educated.
D The acquisition of wealth was more important than any other activity in life.The acquisition of wealth was more important than any other activity in life.
11 answers
Rainbow Crow was the most beautiful and enchanting creature on Earth. The other animals in the world were amazed by his beauty. His feathers were all the colors of the rainbow and sparkled like raindrops in the sunlight. Rainbow Crow also had a lovely song that made all Earth’s creatures happy when they heard it. The other animals looked up to Rainbow Crow and depended on his leadership.
All the animals lived together mostly in harmony. They were happy living in the warm sun. Then one day, the Snow Spirit appeared. The Snow Spirit brought freezing temperatures and ice. The animals shivered in the cold and could not hunt the way they used to. The animals talked to Rainbow Crow and begged him to help them. They wanted him to talk to the Creator and ask the Creator for help.
Rainbow Crow agreed to help the animals. He knew his beautiful song was difficult for anyone to resist, so he planned to sing a song for the Creator in hopes of gaining a favor in return. Rainbow Crow planned to fly the far distance to see the Creator in the sky. Rainbow Crow started on his journey, and he flew and flew until his muscles ached. He looked out at his beautiful wings, which looked rumpled and dull from the wind and dust. But, Rainbow Crow continued on as he would not give up on his journey. Finally, he reached the area where the Creator lived. He took a deep breath and began to sing his beautiful melody. The tune was soft but elegant. Soon, the Creator said, “Rainbow Crow, is that you? Come into my house, so you can entertain me with your beautiful song.”
Rainbow Crow flew into the Creator’s home and entertained him with another song. When he was finished singing, Rainbow Crow told the Creator about the animals’ plight. The Creator felt bad for the animals. He told Rainbow Crow that he wanted to help; however, he could not make the Snow Spirit leave. Instead, the Creator said he would give the animals fire.
“Fire will help you stay warm, even when it is cold and snowy. But I must warn you, fire is a powerful tool, and you must always treat it with care,” said the Creator.
The Creator held a long branch up to the sun, and the end of the branch began to crackle and smoke. Eventually the branch burst into flames, and Rainbow Crow felt the warmth of the fire burning on the stick.
“Fly quickly back to Earth, Rainbow Crow, or the fire will burn up the whole branch and be lost. I will not give you a second chance.”
Rainbow Crow was nervous. He realized that the other animals were depending on him. He snatched the branch from the Creator’s hand. “I understand, and I will deliver the fire back to Earth.”
Rainbow Crow flew as quickly as he could. He felt the warmth of the fire at the end of the branch. The fire’s light was very bright, and he had to narrow his eyes because of it. As the time passed, the fire burned farther down the branch. The black smoke trailed from the fire like long strings. As the strings came nearer to Rainbow Crow, the smoke burned his throat and made him cough.
Rainbow Crow could see the forest, but he was becoming very nervous. The fire was burning much farther down the branch. He adjusted the branch in his mouth so that he was holding only a very small portion in his beak. The fire burned closer and closer to Rainbow Crow, and his beautiful feathers began to be coated in gray from the soot. His throat and eyes burned.
Only a bit farther, he told himself. He started to fly even faster and finally reached the forest. The animals cheered, and Bear took the branch from Rainbow Crow’s beak. Bear placed the stick on a pile of twigs. Woosh! The twigs caught fire. The animals added more wood, and soon they had a large bonfire.
In all their excitement, the animals had nearly forgotten about Rainbow Crow. Then Bear turned to thank the bird. Bear could hardly believe his eyes. Rainbow Crow looked completely different. The fire had burned and stained his feathers black. His beak was gray. When Rainbow Crow opened his beak to sing, he could make only a loud squawk because the smoke had damaged his voice. From that day on, all the animals of the forest called him Crow. They were always thankful to Crow for sacrificing his beautiful feathers and singing voice so they would have fire.
Rainbow Crow flew as quickly as he could. He felt the warmth of the fire at the end of the branch. The fire’s light was very bright, and he had to narrow his eyes because of it. As the time passed, the fire burned farther down the branch. The black smoke trailed from the fire like long strings. As the strings came nearer to Rainbow Crow, the smoke burned his throat and made him cough.
Rainbow Crow could see the forest, but he was becoming very nervous. The fire was burning much farther down the branch. He adjusted the branch in his mouth so that he was holding only a very small portion in his beak. The fire burned closer and closer to Rainbow Crow, and his beautiful feathers began to be coated in gray from the soot. His throat and eyes burned.
Which is the BEST inference you could make from these lines from the story?
A There is no inference you can make from these lines.There is no inference you can make from these lines.
B that Rainbow Crow will lose his color and/or his songthat Rainbow Crow will lose his color and/or his song
C that the Snow Spirit will blot out the fire with a blizzardthat the Snow Spirit will blot out the fire with a blizzard
D that the fire will burn out before he gets to his destinationthat the fire will burn out before he gets to his destination
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B that Rainbow Crow will lose his color and/or his song
MR. TORRES, science teacher
ELI, student
BROOKE, student
JENNA, student
MARTY, student
Scene 1
1(A sunny afternoon at Glenside Middle School. A science classroom. STUDENTS are talking and waiting for class to begin. MR. TORRES goes to the front of the room to speak.)
2MR. TORRES: If I can have your attention, please, I have some thrilling news to share. A local philanthropist donated an assortment of trees, bushes, and other plants for our school to construct a garden. It will be a magnificent development for both our school and the local environment.
3ELI: That’s wonderful news, Mr. Torres. Where will the garden be located? We don’t have a very large campus.
4BROOKE: I hope they don’t plan to take over the baseball field, because the playoff competition begins in two weeks.
5MR. TORRES: Not to worry. The administration selected a portion of land alongside the school. Maintenance workers will begin planting the garden early next week. Some of the plants are extremely fragile, and it is of utmost importance to plant them soon.
Scene 2
6 (In MR. TORRES’s afternoon science class, one week later. STUDENTS are talking.)
7ELI: The thunderstorm last night was horrible; a group of angry, dark clouds surrounded my house for hours.
8JENNA: The torrent of rain made such a commotion that I thought my roof might cave in!
9BROOKE: Have any of you seen the baseball field? Water is completely covering the outfield, and the playoff competition begins next week. It will take the maintenance crew a long time to clean up that mess.
10JENNA: I wonder what happened to the plants that the philanthropist donated to our school. Mr. Torres indicated that the plants couldn’t last long in those containers.
11 (MR. TORRES enters the room looking dejected and walks toward the front of the classroom.)
12MR. TORRES: Well, class, it appears that we've met with some obstacles in regard to the new garden. The storm last night caused a colossal amount of damage to the campus. The maintenance crew will be bombarded with work for at least a week, which means they will be unable to tackle the garden project. Perhaps the project was too ambitious.
13BROOKE: Mr. Torres, I have an idea. We just completed a unit about green plants and photosynthesis, so perhaps our class could volunteer to create the garden for some hands-on learning.
14MARTY: Brooke, that’s a fantastic idea. I would gladly donate a day for an outdoor excursion. (With a snicker) It sounds better than algebra!
15MR. TORRES: Well— (hesitating) I suppose some real-world experience with plants and sunlight would be very informational—and fun! We’ll have to take a vote to ensure that everyone supports the idea. All those in favor . . .
16 (The STUDENTS all raise their hands and begin to cheer.)
Why does Marty snicker when she donates a day of algebra class for an outdoor excursion?
A She knows that everyone loves algebra and that everyone will be angry with her for losing a class day.She knows that everyone loves algebra and that everyone will be angry with her for losing a class day.
B She is joking about how there is no question that being outdoors (or anything really) is better than algebra.She is joking about how there is no question that being outdoors (or anything really) is better than algebra.
C She likes to make fun of Mr. Torres and his weird obsession with exotic and fragile plants from faraway places.She likes to make fun of Mr. Torres and his weird obsession with exotic and fragile plants from faraway places.
D Marty is clearly a sarcastic and unpleasant person to be around while at school, especially in Mr. Torres' class.Marty is clearly a sarcastic and unpleasant person to be around while at school, especially in Mr. Torres' class.
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B She is joking about how there is no question that being outdoors (or anything really) is better than algebra.
1 Lola's family invited Emma to join them on their annual trip to the ocean. Lola and Emma—who were best friends—were thrilled about their upcoming vacation at the beach. On the day of the trip, Lola, her family, and Emma packed the car and drove toward the shore. The drive was long, and they didn't reach the beach until it was already dark. It was difficult to see, and Lola's father passed the hotel and had to turn around. Finally, Lola's family reached their destination. Exhausted from their trip, they all went to sleep as soon as they arrived.
2 The next day, Lola and Emma—who were accompanied by Lola's parents and her young brothers—gathered their towels, sunscreen, and umbrellas and walked to the beach. After arriving, Lola and Emma put up their umbrellas and rolled out their towels.
3 After all the clouds parted and the sun rose high in the sky, Lola and Emma waded in the water to cool themselves. After a few minutes, the girls decided to go back to their towels. Lola turned and started to walk toward her towel; however, when she reached the dry sand, she jumped back with a yelp. The sand was extremely hot, and it burned her feet. Because the girls had not brought their sandals with them to the water, they sprinted back to their towels and winced with each step.
4 Back at their towels, Lola and Emma noticed that Jake and Matt, Lola's brothers, were busy building a sandcastle. The castle had elaborate designs carved on its tops and sides. Lola and Emma were impressed with boys' building skills. Just then, Jake and Matt noticed the tide coming in, and they moaned grimly. The castle would collapse if the water touched it.
5 Although Jake and Matt panicked at the thought of losing their creation, Lola and Emma quickly devised a plan to save the castle. Right before summer break, the girls learned about irrigation and drainage in their science class, and they knew they could use that information to stop the water from collapsing the castle.
Match the sentence from the story to the question it BEST helps answer.
Put responses in the correct input to answer the question. Select a response, navigate to the desired input and insert the response. Responses can be selected and inserted using the space bar, enter key, left mouse button or touchpad. Responses can also be moved by dragging with a mouse.
How excited are Lola and Emma about going to the beach?
What was the weather like in the story?
What activity did the boys do on vacation?
How did Lola and Emma help Jake and Matt?
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Sentence: Lola and Emma—who were best friends—were thrilled about their upcoming vacation at the beach.
What was the weather like in the story?
Sentence: The drive was long, and they didn't reach the beach until it was already dark.
What activity did the boys do on vacation?
Sentence: Back at their towels, Lola and Emma noticed that Jake and Matt, Lola's brothers, were busy building a sandcastle.
How did Lola and Emma help Jake and Matt?
Sentence: Although Jake and Matt panicked at the thought of losing their creation, Lola and Emma quickly devised a plan to save the castle.