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The Junior Representative
Mary McCormick

Jamal wrote an essay because he really loved the government and knew that one day he wanted a career in the US Congress. Although he put his whole heart and soul into his letter, he had no idea that his essay would win the entire national contest! He wasn’t the only winner. Forty-nine other kids across America had also won the chance to visit Washington, DC, for the eighth annual Constitution Conference.

2On the trip, Jamal’s official title was “Junior Representative.” The kids who got to visit the nation’s capital had a very big day in store. The goal of the day was to teach kids the fundamentals of civil service. The organizers had planned a whole day of activities designed to help kids get an idea of how it would be to work in the different branches of government.

3First, all of the kids gathered in a large room made to look like the House floor. There, Jamal and the other winners said the Pledge of Allegiance and learned about the history of the Pledge. Several speakers went to the front of the room and made announcements. Then all of the kids watched and listened as the speakers debated. Some kids, who thought the day would be less educational, said the debate was monotonous. Jamal, however, enjoyed this exchange of words mostly because one day he wanted to be a great debater. To him, this was one of the best moments of the day.

Another fine show was when several new Americans reenacted their Pledge for Citizenship. Seeing how sincere those people were as they spoke made Jamal realize how lucky he was to be born in the United States.

5After lunch, the junior representatives listened to an author read from her work. Jamal’s mom had given him some money to get a souvenir of his big day, and Jamal decided to buy the author’s book. When she was done with her presentation, Jamal approached her and asked if she had any copies for sale. The woman gave him a copy for free and even wrote an inscription inside. She wrote, I hope you had a blast during the conference. I wish I had someone as ambitious as you working on my campaign. Jamal was touched by her words. He shook the woman’s hand and went back to join the other junior representatives.

When the experience was over and Jamal was back at home, his mother wanted to know all of the details of his adventure. Jamal smiled and showed her the note from the author; he described the debate. Jamal could not stop speaking about all of the fascinating things he had seen during his very first day of government work.

1 answer

Jamal's experience as Junior Representative at the Constitution Conference in Washington, DC was a dream come true for him. He had always been passionate about the government and knew that he wanted to have a career in the US Congress someday. Winning the national essay contest and getting the opportunity to visit the nation's capital was a big milestone for him.

During the conference, Jamal and the other winners were given the title of Junior Representative. The organizers had planned a day filled with activities to teach the kids about civil service and working in different branches of government. The day started with all the kids gathering in a room made to look like the House floor. They recited the Pledge of Allegiance and learned about its history. Speakers gave announcements and engaged in debates, which Jamal found particularly interesting as he aspired to be a great debater in the future.

One of the highlights of the day for Jamal was witnessing several new Americans reenact their Pledge for Citizenship. Their sincerity and gratitude made him realize how fortunate he was to be born in the United States. After lunch, an author read from her work, and Jamal decided to buy her book as a souvenir. To his surprise, the author gave him a copy for free and even wrote a special inscription for him, commending his ambition and wishing she had someone like him working on her campaign.

When Jamal returned home and shared his adventure with his mother, he couldn't contain his excitement. He showed her the note from the author and passionately described the debates and all the fascinating things he had seen during his very first day of government work. His experience at the Constitution Conference solidified his determination to pursue a career in the government and made him feel grateful for the opportunities he had been given.
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