(the first two)
1. Mr. is a shortened form of mister. You use Mr. before a man's name, usually the last name or the full name. [Simple Wikepedia]
2. Mr. [Wikipedia]
Mister, usually written in its abbreviated form Mr. (US) or Mr (UK), is a commonly used English honorific for men under the rank of knighthood. The title 'Mr' derived from earlier forms of master,....
3. History and Etymology for mR [Webster]
Mr. from Middle English, abbreviation of maister master;
I searched for the explanation about 'Mr.'
Q1 Is Mr. a shortened form of 'Mister' or 'maister' or 'master'?
Q2 In #2, is 'maister' a word in Middle English and does 'maister' mean 'master'?
1 answer