1. Mr. Abdi began his trip from Woliso to Finfinne; he filled his car's tank with gas and reset its trip meter to zero. After travelling 50 KM, Mr. Abdi stopped at a gas station to refuel; the gas tank required 10 gallons. Create an algorithm that Mr. Abdi can use to display his car's gas mileage-the number of Kilometers his car can be driven per gallon of gas-at anytime during the trip.

2. Mrs. Biftu has been working in Ambo University Woliso Campus as Network Administrator for four years. Last year, Biftu received a 4% raise, which brought her current weekly pay to 9000 ETB. Biftu is scheduled to receive a 3% raise next week. She wants you to write an Algorithm that will display the amount of her new weekly pay.

3. Discuss the concept of Algorithm and list and describe the common steps to be followed in algorithm development during solving a specific random problems:


a. Your algorithm should be written both in pseudocode and flow chart.

b. You have to show each and necessary steps considered to solve each problem

1 answer


Algorithm to calculate car's gas mileage:

1. Start
2. Reset trip meter to zero
3. Fill up gas tank
4. Drive 50 KM
5. Stop at gas station, refuel (take note of gallons required)
6. Calculate gas mileage:
Gas mileage = Total distance driven (KM) / Total gallons used
7. Display gas mileage
8. End

SET tripMeter = 0
SET gasTank = 0
FILL gasTank
STOP refuel (RECORD gallonsUsed)
SET gasMileage = tripMeter / gallonsUsed
DISPLAY gasMileage

(Start) --> Reset trip meter --> Fill up gas tank --> Drive 50 KM --> Stop at gas station --> Refuel (record gallons used)
--> Calculate gas mileage --> Display gas mileage --> (End)


Algorithm to calculate new weekly pay with raise:

1. Start
2. Input current weekly pay (9000 ETB)
3. Calculate 4% raise: raise = current weekly pay * 0.04
4. Add raise to current weekly pay to get new weekly pay: newWeeklyPay = current weekly pay + raise
5. Input next raise percentage (3%)
6. Calculate 3% raise: nextRaise = newWeeklyPay * 0.03
7. Add next raise to new weekly pay to get final weekly pay: finalWeeklyPay = newWeeklyPay + nextRaise
8. Display final weekly pay
9. End

INPUT currentWeeklyPay
SET raise = currentWeeklyPay * 0.04
SET newWeeklyPay = currentWeeklyPay + raise
INPUT nextRaisePercentage
SET nextRaise = newWeeklyPay * 0.03
SET finalWeeklyPay = newWeeklyPay + nextRaise
DISPLAY finalWeeklyPay

(Start) --> Input current weekly pay --> Calculate 4% raise --> Add raise to current weekly pay --> Input next raise percentage
--> Calculate 3% raise --> Add next raise to new weekly pay --> Display final weekly pay --> (End)

3. Algorithm Development Steps:

1. Understand the problem and requirements.
2. Analyze inputs and outputs.
3. Identify the necessary data and variables.
4. Develop a plan or algorithm to solve the problem.
5. Write pseudocode based on the algorithm.
6. Create a flowchart to visually represent the steps.
7. Implement the algorithm in a programming language.
8. Test and debug the program to ensure it functions correctly.