1. Most of the delegates to the convention of 1836 favored which of the following in regards to independence?

A) Fighting for independence
B) Joining forces with the American Indians
C) Negotiating for peace **
D) Surrendering

2. The Texas Constitution of 1836 had shared ideals with the U.S. Constitution. Which of the following ideals did the Texas Constitution most likely support?
A) executive power, or the concentration of authority in one leader
B) theocracy, or the combination of religious and government power
C) federalism, or the division of power between states and the nation**
D) popular sovereignty, or self-government

13 answers

Thanks for no help
It's not my fault that you idiots don't understand that I was trying to check my answers.

You can do it yourselves.
Relax dude, it's just some Homework dude.. Take it EZ maaaaan.
1. C
2. A
3. D
100% :)
thanks pringles u were right
Thanks so much Pringle’s I finally got a 100% on a test
1 C
2 A
3 D
= 100% Satafaction guaranteed!
Dows that work with connexus?
Nevermind it does
Yes Nobody, glad it worked for you!
k thanks
why don't you just say what it is instead of just telling us the letter. i didn't need the letter, and I like to read the info.