1. melissa and jordan cant attend the tragedy of romeo and juliet the reason is because neither melissa nor jordan are able to drive to the play therefore they

stayed home, and watched netflix
2 wether i myself except the award for marcia depends on me having the time to go to the awards banquet otherwise i will stay home, and work
Fix the sentence grammatically and say why you made the changes

1 answer

Here are the corrected sentences along with explanations for the changes made:

  1. Original: "melissa and jordan cant attend the tragedy of romeo and juliet the reason is because neither melissa nor jordan are able to drive to the play therefore they stayed home, and watched netflix."

    Corrected: "Melissa and Jordan can't attend the tragedy of Romeo and Juliet because neither Melissa nor Jordan is able to drive to the play; therefore, they stayed home and watched Netflix."

    Changes made:

    • Capitalized the names "Melissa" and "Jordan" and the titles of the play "Romeo and Juliet" to follow proper noun capitalization rules.
    • Changed "cant" to "can't" to include the contraction for "cannot."
    • Removed "the reason is that" for conciseness, as it was unnecessary.
    • Changed "are" to "is" because "neither...nor" constructs are singular.
    • Changed the comma before "and watched Netflix" to a semicolon before "therefore" to separate two independent clauses and added a comma after "therefore" for clarity.
    • Removed the comma before "and" because it was not necessary in this context.
  2. Original: "wether i myself except the award for marcia depends on me having the time to go to the awards banquet otherwise i will stay home, and work."

    Corrected: "Whether I accept the award for Marcia depends on my having the time to go to the awards banquet; otherwise, I will stay home and work."

    Changes made:

    • Corrected "wether" to "whether" for correct spelling.
    • Capitalized "I" and "Marcia" as proper nouns.
    • Changed "except" to "accept" to convey the correct meaning.
    • Changed "me having" to "my having" to use the correct possessive form.
    • Separated "the awards banquet" and "otherwise" into independent clauses, changing the comma before "and work" to a semicolon before "otherwise" and adding a comma after "otherwise" for clarity.
    • Removed the comma before "and work" because it was unnecessary in this context.

These changes clarify the sentences, correct grammatical errors, and improve readability.