Number 2 June -20
Ji;y 65
August -50
September 20
1.Melanie, Byron, and Chin are all waiting at the bus stop. Melanie's bus leaves at 10 minutes after noon. Byron's bus leaves at 15 minutes before noon. Chin's bus leaves 5 after noon. Arrange the three according to who leaves the bus stop first.
2.Darnell pays for 500 minutes of Internet use a month. The table indeicates his Internet usages over the past 4 months. Positive values indicate the number of minutes he went over his alloted time and negative values indicate the number of minutes he was under. Arrange the months from least to most used
3.In a golf match Jesse scored 5 over par neil scored 3 under par felipo scored 2 under par and dawson scored an even par order the players from least to greatest score
2 answers
There are 60 minutes un 1 hour. use a tal diagrama to find the total number of minutes in 6 hours and 15 minutes