1.Maurice looked at the calendar. He could not believe that he had almost forgotten his mother's birthday! He needed to buy her a gift, but he did not know what to get.

2.Maurice borrowed his friend's bicycle to visit the stores nearby. He looked at different gift ideas, like a glass bowl and an apron. Neither of them seemed right. As he walked through a store, he thought about the things his mother enjoyed. She liked to read, and she enjoyed cooking. This gave him an idea.

3.Maurice returned home. He asked his father to drive him to the bookstore. Since his mother liked reading and cooking, he wanted to buy her a cookbook. When he got to the store, he saw many types of cookbooks. There were so many different ones! He was not sure which one to choose. Then he saw a cookbook with pictures of colorful cakes on it. One of the cakes looked like the one his mother had baked for his last birthday. Maurice knew it was the perfect gift!

4.He hurried to his room with the cookbook when he got home. He did not want his mother to see it! He wrapped the book carefully and placed a bow on it. The bow's color was pink. He knew that his mother liked pink as much as cakes, so he could not wait for her to open it. He finished his homework.

5.Later that day, Maurice gave the gift to his mother and wished her a happy birthday. His mother opened it and smiled. She then thanked Maurice and gave him a big hug. He smiled, too.

If you had been with Maurice at the bookstore, would you have told him to buy the cookbook he bought, or to look for another one? Explain, provide evidence from the story to support your answer.

2 answers

I would have supported Maurice's decision. What about you? Yes or no? And why or why not?

Let me know and I'll check your writing for you.
I agree...