1. Look upto 30 phylums and their traits and Complete Table A to organize the information that you have learned. You will use this table to classify the organisms.

Table A : Traits of Different Phyla



1 answer

1. Porifera (Sponges)
- Multicellular, lack true tissues
- Filter feeders
- Spicules for support

2. Cnidaria (Corals, Jellyfish)
- Radial symmetry
- Tentacles with stinging cells (cnidocytes)
- Gastrovascular cavity

3. Platyhelminthes (Flatworms)
- Bilateral symmetry
- Acoelomate body plan
- Organ systems but no respiratory or circulatory systems

4. Nematoda (Roundworms)
- Pseudocoelomate body plan
- Complete digestive system
- Many are parasitic

5. Annelida (Segmented Worms)
- Segmented body plan
- Coelomate body plan
- Closed circulatory system

6. Mollusca (Mollusks)
- Soft body with a muscular foot
- Radula for feeding
- Mantle that may secrete a shell

7. Arthropoda (Insects, Crustaceans)
- Exoskeleton made of chitin
- Segmented body with jointed appendages
- Open circulatory system

8. Echinodermata (Starfish, Sea Urchins)
- Radial symmetry in adults
- Water vascular system for movement and feeding
- Endoskeleton made of calcium carbonate

9. Chordata (Vertebrates)
- Notochord or backbone
- Dorsal nerve cord
- Pharyngeal slits or pouches

10. Bryozoa (Moss Animals)
- Colonial organisms
- Lophophore for filter feeding
- Some have mineralized skeletons

11. Brachiopoda (Lamp Shells)
- Bivalve shell with dorsal and ventral valves
- Lophophore for filter feeding
- U-shaped gut

12. Rotifera (Rotifers)
- Ciliated corona for feeding
- Pseudocoelomate body plan
- Reproduce both sexually and asexually

13. Acanthocephala (Thorny-headed Worms)
- Parasitic in digestive tracts of vertebrates
- Lack a digestive system
- Spiny proboscis for attachment

14. Nemertea (Ribbon Worms)
- Unsegmented body with proboscis
- Closed circulatory system
- Some are carnivorous predators

15. Gastrotricha (Gastrotrichs)
- Tiny marine, freshwater, and moist soil organisms
- Simple digestive system with mouth and anus
- Locomotion by cilia or muscle contractions

16. Kinorhyncha (Mud Dragons)
- Small marine worms
- Segmented body with cuticle for protection
- Setae or spines for locomotion

17. Loricifera (Loriciferans)
- Small, marine, microscopic animals
- Body covered in lorica for protection
- Mouth with retractable introvert

18. Priapulida ( Worms)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

19. Nematoda (Horsehair Worms)
- Long, slender, parasitic worms
- Cylindrical body with cuticle
- Larvae are usually parasites of insects

20. Nematomorpha (Horsehair Worms)
- Parasitoid worms with coiled body
- Larvae parasitize arthropods
- Adults free-living in freshwater

21. Onychophora (Velvet Worms)
- Terrestrial organisms with many legs
- Soft bodies with exoskeleton
- Simple eyes and antennae

22. Tardigrada (Water Bears)
- Microscopic animals with segmented bodies
- Four pairs of legs with claws
- Adapted to extreme environmental conditions

23. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

24. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

25. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

26. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

27. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

28. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

29. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems

30. Priapulida (Priapulids)
- Marine worms with retractable introvert
- U-shaped digestive system
- No respiratory or circulatory systems