1. List three rulers of the Ottoman Empire and one accomplishment of each.

2. Why are the Shi'a and the Sunni Muslims enemies?

3. List three key Mughal Leaders and an accomplishment for each.

4. List three examples of Akbar's policy of fair rule

6. How did Timur the Lame's military activities affect the growth og the Ottoman Empire?

7. Why did Sha Jahan order the building of the Taj Mahal?

8. What was contributed to the decline of both the Ottoman and Safavid Empire?

6 answers

How would you like us to HELP you with this assignment?

Please note that we do not DO homework, but we do HELP you answer the questions yourself.
Well, I was enrolled in the high school late, so most of the questions on the quizz I would not know, for I was not enrolled in the school on those past 6 weeks. Would you kindly help me with my homework? You can give me the long way of finding stuff out, if you like. Thanks!
You can Google each of these questions.

For example:

1. rulers of the Ottoman Empire

2. Shi'a and the Sunni Muslims enemies

3. Mughal Leaders
I did, and it turned up NO relevant results. I did earlier, I mean.
I'm sure you're teacher will excuse you from this quiz since you didn't enroll until the other day.

Your other option is to ask for an extension for taking this test and read the text book parts that are covered by this quiz.
Thank you for the help. I will do that ;). Thanks for the quick response.