1. List the steps of the Krebs cycle and the products it creates.
2. When is carbon dioxide released during cellular respiration?
3. How many glucose molecules can undergo cellular respiration when 13
O2 molecules are available to react?
4. How can ATP be used to lower the body temp?(give a specific example)
5. How is photosynthesis related to changes in the amount of atmospheric
carbon dioxide?
6. What would be some environmental challenges in different parts of the
world (i.e. rainforest, desert, etc.) that would impact a plant’s
photosynthetic processes?
7. Describe the relationship between a glucose molecule and the products
it makes during cellular respiration.
8. Explain how the amounts of oxygen and carbon dioxide inhaled by the
lungs is different from the amounts exhaled (keep in mind the law of
conservation of matter and cellular respiration).
9. How do certain animals control their body temperatures using body
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