1) List a series of tests that would determine the order of activity (least active to most active) for Zn, Mn, and Ag.

2) What would be the reaction for the addition of excess OH- ions to Mg(NO3)2 and Cu(NO3)2?
This is a complex ion forming reaction.

Would the complete ionic equation be 2OH-(aq) + Cu(OH)2(s)= Cu^2+(aq) + 4OH-(aq) for the Cu(NO3)2 and 2OH- + Mg(OH)2 (s)= Mg^2+(aq) + 4OH-(aq)for Mg(NO3)2? What would the net ionic be then for both equations? Would the Mg(NO3)2 be able to form a precipitate in this reaction with the OH-ions?

3) Likewise, What are the reactions for the addition of excess NH3(aq) to Mg(NO3)2 and Cu(NO3)2? Net ionic and complete ionic formulas?

1 answer

1.Zn metal in MnSO4
Zn metalin AgNO3
Mn metal in Zn(NO3)2
Mn metal in AgNO3
Ag metal in Zn(NO3)2
Ag metal in MnSO4.

2. Is the note about complex ion formation your observation or is that a part of the question. The most likely products are Cu(OH)2 and Mg(OH)2. Mg(OH)2 is not likely to form a complex ion and Cu(OH)4^2- is known but it isn't a common reaction.

3. The most likely reaction is the formation of the complex ion Cu(NO3)4^2+. It's difficult to write the formula on this forum. The 3 is a subscript, the 4 is a subscript and the 2+ refers t0 the charge on the ion.