1. Laws begin with ideas that come from Representatives or from a ordinary citizen. Then the citizen writes to their local senator or rep.
2. The bill goes to the Senate were they do a discussion and vote. If more than half of the Senate approves the bill it goes to the House of Representatives. If the Senate does not approve, the bill could end right there.
3. In the house of Representatives they discuss and vote on the bill and if more than half of the House of Representatives approve the bill it goes to the President.
4. The President has the choice to sign the bill or veto it. If he veto's it then the bill is sent back to Congress.
5. Then Congress can decide to make changes or abandon it. Or Congress can decide to override the Presidents veto.
6. If Congress chooses to override the Presidents veto, the bill becomes a law.
Is this how a bill becomes a law?
2 answers
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