1. Justice Potter Stewart would most agree with which claim about obscenity? (B)
It is easy to concretely determine what obscenity is.
People can intuitively understand what obscenity is.
Obscenity ought to be allowed so long as no one is harmed.
Obscenity involves violence whereas erotica represents sexual relationships.
e.None of the above
Question 2. 2. Which statement might a libertarian most agree with? (E)
The state should be responsible for the welfare of its citizens.
The state should be allowed to restrict freedom whenever it deems it necessary to do so.
The state should restrict freedoms based on the greatest happiness of the citizens.
The state should only be allowed to restrict behavior that harms others.
None of the above
Question 3. 3. One who believes in a social contract theory would most agree with which statement? (C)
people do not need laws to live harmoniously in society.
humans make contracts in order to buy things.
in order to establish society, humans agree to obey certain rules.
the government has the right to redistribute wealth as it sees fit.
none of the above.
Question 4. 4. Which statement might be used to argue that ography should be more tightly regulated? (C)
ography enhances people’s view of their self-worth.
ography degrades values that are held in high regard in a society.
ography ought to be recognized as a form of free speech.
A and B
B and C
Question 5. 5. Which statement is an objection to ethical egoism? (C)
It can’t be shown to be false and thus doesn't explain anything.
Few people demonstrate that they act out of self-interest.
Being selfish isn’t a very nice way to act.
It is always clear what is in one’s self-interest.
All of the above
Question 6. 6. One objection to virtue ethics is that (B)
everyone agrees on what the correct virtues are.
it ignores the idea of the Golden Mean.
it endorses lying to children.
different cultures may value different virtues.
none of the above.
Question 7. 7. Which evidence would best support the claim that prayer in school should be allowed?
@This is a holistic problem answered by studying various aspects of chapter 2. (B)
A tornado swerved out of the path of the school when students prayed that they would be safe.
The state testing scores at a high school improved at the same time that a group of students began a morning prayer club.
A study run by the psychology program at Harvard discovered a correlation between prayer and the ability to control anger in teenagers.
Your cousin told you that God hates people who don’t pray.
None of the above
Question 8. 8. The ethical egoist would claim (A)
people make all their decisions from the perspective of their own self-interest.
people ought to make ethical decisions from the perspective of their own self-interest.
people make all their decisions based on universal principles.
people ought to make ethical decisions based on the best outcomes.
none of the above.
Question 9. 9. Those who argue that one’s ethical values must be evaluated in terms of one’s culture and traditions are called (C)
none of the above
Question 10. 10. Which statement might logically support the claim that prayer should not be protected speech?
@The answer can be found in section 2.2, under the heading “The Argument Against Prayer in Public Schools.” (D)
Allowing prayer could create disharmony between groups of students who choose to participate and those that do not.
Times for voluntary prayer would be potential times where non-religious students felt unduly compelled to participate in religious activities.
Those who desire prayer in school hate people who are agnostic or atheist.
A and B
B and C
2 answers
7.7, 10.10 ?