As John's supervisor, addressing this situation requires a balanced approach that adheres to company policy while also being fair and consistent. Here are steps I would take to discipline him:
1. Gather Evidence
Before taking any formal action, I would ensure that all relevant evidence regarding John's tardiness and excessive private phone calls is documented and organized. This includes:
- Details of his late arrivals, including dates and times.
- The records of private phone calls and any related costs.
- Any documentation of previous informal discussions regarding his tardiness.
2. Review Company Policy
I would review the company's policies regarding tardiness, personal phone calls during work hours, and running a personal business while employed by the company. Understanding these policies is crucial to ensuring that any disciplinary action is justified.
3. Schedule a Formal Meeting
I would schedule a formal one-on-one meeting with John to discuss the issues at hand. During this meeting:
- I would provide him with the documented evidence of his lateness and the private phone calls.
- I would give him an opportunity to explain his side of the story regarding both the tardiness and the phone usage.
4. Address the Side Business Issue
If the rumors about John's side business are confirmed, I would address this issue directly. I would explain that running a personal business while employed by the company constitutes a conflict of interest and is against company policy.
5. Discuss Consequences
Based on John's explanations and the company's policies, I would outline the potential consequences of his actions. This could include:
- A written warning for tardiness and misuse of company resources (private phone calls).
- A clear expectation for improvement in his attendance and adherence to company policies going forward.
- Informing him that any further infractions could lead to more severe disciplinary action.
6. Develop an Action Plan
I would work with John to develop an action plan that includes:
- Specific expectations regarding his arrival time.
- Monitoring his phone usage to ensure compliance with company policies.
- Providing support or resources if he’s struggling with personal issues that might be affecting his work.
7. Follow Up
After the meeting and the implementation of any agreed-upon changes, I would schedule a follow-up meeting in a few weeks to check on his progress and address any further issues.
8. Document Everything
Lastly, I would document this entire process, including the meeting notes, action plan, and any correspondence. This documentation is crucial for future reference to ensure accountability and transparency.
By following these steps, I would aim to address John’s behavior constructively while ensuring that company policies are upheld.