1. It's only five minutes' walk.

2. It's only within five minutes' walk.
3. It's only in five minutes' walk.
(Are they all correct?)

4. The naughty boy laughed at the handicapped.

5. The naughty boy made a fool of the handicapped.

6. The naughty boy made fun of the handicapped.

7. The naughty boy ridiculed the handicapped.

8. The naughty boy derided the handicapped.

(I used similar expressions and made sentences. Are they all the same and grammatical?)

1 answer

Only 1 is correct; 2 could be correct if rephrased a bit (It's only within a five-minute walk.). 3 is not correct.

In 4-8, the word "handicapped" is an adjective and it's not modifying anything. All would be correctly phrased if you add a noun at the end of the sentence, such as "The naughty boy laughed at the handicapped person." (girl, man, woman, child, etc.)