1a. No, because after Prime Factorization the resulting numbers cannot be factored further.
b. Yes, because numbers that are divisible evenly by one only(11,13) cannot be factored.
1.) Is it possible for a composite number to have more than one prime factorization? Is it possible for a number to have no prime factors? Why?
2.) Give an example of how prime factorization could be used in the real world.
Thank you to anyone that takes the time to answer this :))
8 answers
my answer:
"Is it possible for a composite number to have more than one prime factorization? Is it possible for a number to have no prime factors? Why?"
i think that no, a composite number cannot have more than one factorization, because after prime factorization, you cannot factor further with the remaining numbers
"Give an example of how prime factorization could be used in the real world."
prime factorization can be used in many things, like shopping.
"Is it possible for a composite number to have more than one prime factorization? Is it possible for a number to have no prime factors? Why?"
i think that no, a composite number cannot have more than one factorization, because after prime factorization, you cannot factor further with the remaining numbers
"Give an example of how prime factorization could be used in the real world."
prime factorization can be used in many things, like shopping.
hi are u all from conexus ? just asking
maybe O_O (yes)