
Indulgences were supposed to help people spend less time in purgatory, thereby getting them to heaven more quickly. Why did Martin Luther and his followers oppose the granting of indulgences?

Martin Luther did not believe in the concept of purgatory, so he felt that Pope Leo X was tricking people into giving money to the Church.

Martin Luther did not like the current pope, Pope Leo X, and opposed any of his ideas about how to run the Catholic Church.

Martin Luther and his followers were opposed anything that shorten a person's time in purgatory, or improve their chances of going to heaven.

Martin Luther believed that the Pope was selling indulgences to make the Church richer, and Luther considered this practice corrupt.

After Martin Luther's protests started the Reformation, the movement gained other leaders as well. Which of these beliefs belonged to the reformation movement started in Switzerland by Huldrych Zwingli?

the belief that priests did not actually turn bread and wine into Christ's flesh and blood

the belief that large cathedrals could not be sacred places because they held too many people

the belief that every man and woman is responsible for his or her own salvation

the belief that women should not be present in church at the same time as men

One of the leaders of the Reformation, John Calvin, was particularly influenced by the Renaissance philosophy of humanism. Why were so many Europeans willing to accept this new way of looking at life during 15th and 16th centuries?

After the Black Death, which killed so many people in Europe, each individual human life was seen as more precious than ever before.

The philosophy of humanism suggested a way of life that allowed humans to do whatever they wanted, regardless of the consequences.

Humanism was seen as a way to escape poverty since each person could focus on finding money and resources for himself.

The Catholic Church decided to place more emphasis on the rights and authority of the individual, rather than Church authorities.

4. Pope Leo X understood that he had to punish Martin Luther for posting his ideas against the Catholic Church in order to keep others from doing the same. What power did the pope hold that would have stopped more people from questioning his authority?

the power to slander Luther in the public square

the power to banish Luther from the church

the power to have Luther crucified

the power to excommunicate Luther

1 answer

  1. Martin Luther believed that the Pope was selling indulgences to make the Church richer, and Luther considered this practice corrupt.
    Luther criticized the selling of indulgences as a means for the Church to generate revenue and argued that salvation could not be bought or sold.

  2. The belief that priests did not actually turn bread and wine into Christ's flesh and blood.
    Huldrych Zwingli's reformist ideas centered around the symbolic interpretation of the Eucharist, opposing the doctrine of transubstantiation.

  3. After the Black Death, which killed so many people in Europe, each individual human life was seen as more precious than ever before.
    The significant loss of life during the Black Death led to a reevaluation of human life and the importance of individual experience, which aligned with humanist thought.

  4. The power to excommunicate Luther.
    Excommunication would have barred Luther from participating in the sacraments and community life of the Church, which was a significant form of punishment and a means to assert papal authority over dissenters.