1. In 2008, Ms. White runs against Mr. Daly for the Presidency of the united states. If 75% of people in the state of Missouri vote for Mr. Daly, he would win how many of Missouri's electoral votes?

A. three-fourths (75%)
B. A simple majority (51%)
C. All (100%)
D. none of the above
Answer: B

2. Imagine this scenario: President Bush and Vice president Cheney are both killed in a deadly car crash on Lewis and Clark Boulevard while visiting St. Louis. Who would become President of the united states
A. President pro-tempore
B. The last president, William Jefferson Clinton
C. The scretary of defense
D. The speaker of the house of representatives
Answer: D

3. Marbury vs. Madison established the precedent of --------- which allows the Supreme Court to declare laws unconstitutional
A. Exective privilege
B. Judicial review
C. Granding reprives and pardons
D. Both A and C
Answer: B

12 answers

Your second and third answers are right.

Please check this article for electoral votes.

Is the answer A I'm not so sure if this is wrong how do you figure this out
Oh 1 more thing there is another history (continued) I need you to check the one that says the time 8:03.
Have you figured out the answer to #1 yet?
no that's what I'm trying to figure out but I'm not sure how
Read the text above the map in the answer I gave you above -- in answer to your question about the electoral college.
Is it D
Tell me what you think these sentences mean for Missouri?

"In 48 of the states, the candidate that gets the most votes gets all the electoral votes for that state. Nebraska and Maine, do not follow the winner-take-all rule."
Oh so it's 100% an't it so the answers C
thank you you have been so helpful God Bless
You're very welcome. :-)