1 Imagine you are a caveman out innocently picking berries when suddenly you come nose to nose with a sabre-tooth tiger. While you were simply gathering, the tiger was actually hunting, and the sight of you makes his mouth water.
2 Luckily for you, millions of years of evolution has endowed you with a set of automatic weapons that take over in the event of an emergency. At the sight of the tiger, your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds, you can run faster, hit harder, see better, hear more acutely, think faster, and jump higher than you could only seconds earlier.
3 Your heart is pumping at two to three times the normal speed, sending nutrient rich blood to the major muscles in your arms and legs. The tiny blood vessels (called capillaries) under the surface of your skin close down (which consequently sends your blood pressure soaring) so you can sustain a surface wound and not bleed to death. Even your eyes dilate so you can see better.
4 All functions of your body not needed for the struggle about to commence are shut down. Digestion stops, sexual function stops, even your immune system is temporarily turned off. If necessary, excess waste is eliminated to make you light on your feet.
5 Your suddenly supercharged body is designed to help level the odds between you and your attacker. Consequently, you narrowly escape death by leaping higher and running faster than you ever could before. With the danger now over, you find a safe place to lie down and rest your exhausted body.
6 FLASH FORWARD to the present day. Despite the huge amount of technological change in the ensuing 25,000 years, you are walking around with essentially the same set of internal body parts as that of the caveman. At this very moment you're in the break room at work, hunting for coffee and gathering donuts. Your boss is out hunting too. But guess what? He's hunting for you.
7 As you gulp down your third cup of Java you hear your boss say those dreaded words: "Could I see you for a moment in my office, please?" At the sight of the tiger, er, uh...your boss...your hypothalamus sends a message to your adrenal glands and within seconds your body summons all the same powers that your stone-age ancestor needed to fight a sabre tooth tiger.
8 You can almost feel your blood pressure soar as you take the long walk down the hall to your boss's office. You remember a rumor you heard about an upcoming round of layoffs. Now your mind is racing, your heart is pumping, your blood pressure is soaring, your mouth dries up, your hands feel cold and clammy, your forehead is perspiring and you may even feel a sudden urge to go (to the bathroom). As you imagine your boss firing you, the caveman inside of you wants to come out. Maybe you'd like to run and hide or maybe you'd like to punch your boss in the nose, but you can't do either. Welcome to the modern era.
9 As your boss ushers you into his office and closes the door, you're experiencing a full-blown episode of the fight or flight response. But since you can't fight and you can't flee, all of that energy is pent-up inside of you with no place to go. You feel like you're going to explode. Your boss begins to speak. "Here it comes," you think to yourself. But you're so shocked by what you hear you can't believe you heard it right. "What did you say?" you ask your boss. "We are considering you for a promotion," he repeats.
In the article "Fight or Flight- The Evolution of Stress," which quote BEST explains what happens when the dangerous or stressful situation has ended?
"Your heart is pumping at two to three times the normal speed, sending nutrient rich blood to the major muscles in your arms and legs."
"Consequently, you narrowly escape death by leaping higher and running faster than you ever could before. With the danger now over, you find a safe place to lie down and rest your exhausted body."
"All functions of your body not needed for the struggle about to commence are shut down."
" Luckily for you, millions of years of evolution has endowed you with a set of automatic weapons that take over in the event of an emergency. "
9 answers
The quote that BEST explains what happens when the dangerous or stressful situation has ended is:
B. "Consequently, you narrowly escape death by leaping higher and running faster than you ever could before. With the danger now over, you find a safe place to lie down and rest your exhausted body."
This quote indicates the transition from a state of stress and danger to a state of safety and recovery, which aligns with what happens after the stressful situation has concluded.
In the following sentence, what does the word diminish mean?
Over time, the intense sunlight began to diminish the color of the curtains, making them appear faded and dull.
In the sentence provided, the word "diminish" means:
A. Decrease
It refers to the intensity of the sunlight reducing or lessening the color of the curtains, making them appear faded and dull.
When creating a summary of a text, what would make the summary objective?
Including your personal opinions or beliefs
Focusing on the main points and facts in the text
Making assumptions that go beyond what is stated in the text
Intentionally leaving out important factual information
A summary would be considered objective by:
B. Focusing on the main points and facts in the text.
An objective summary presents the information without personal opinions, beliefs, or assumptions, and accurately conveys the key points and facts from the original text.
Reasons Why Requiring Service Hours for High School Graduates is a Good Idea:
There are many good reasons for why requiring service-hours from every American high school student is a good idea for the future. First of all, by requiring service hours, schools can break the bubble of unreality that often surrounds students in high school. High school is so often criticized as not being directly related to the “real world”; service hours would bring students into direct contact with reality! High school students today are also accused of extreme apathy, not caring or being invested in any activities whatsoever. Requiring students to step out of their indifferent disinterest would cause students to begin to feel passionate about their world and their influence in it. Requiring service hours would also be a good move for high school’s reputation among the community. Instead of being a place where students go and hide all day, high schools would be active, vibrant contributors to the good of the community as a whole. Teachers could integrate service projects into their curriculum making the question so often heard in classrooms (“Why do we have to learn this?”) irrelevant. Right now, many high schools are filled with clubs that require service hours, so making service hours a school-wide requirement would take all these separate efforts and make them into one powerful, unified effort to improve the community. Think of how much more good work could be done!
-from "Yet Another Graduation Requirement?" by Daniel Thrash
What is the MAIN IDEA in the passage above?
There are many benefits in requiring high school students to complete service hours.
High school students need help discovering their passions.
All high school students are apathetic and don't particpate in any activities.
More students should be encouraged to step outside their comfort zones.
The MAIN IDEA in the passage above is:
A. There are many benefits in requiring high school students to complete service hours.
The passage discusses various advantages of implementing service hour requirements for high school students, such as connecting them to reality, fostering community contribution, and enhancing the reputation of high schools.
What does the word meticulous mean based on its use in the following sentence?
John was meticulous when painting the model car, paying attention to every small detail to ensure it looked perfect.
Based on its use in the sentence, the word "meticulous" means:
D. Precise
In this context, it describes John’s careful and thorough attention to detail while painting the model car, indicating that he is precise in his work.