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1. Identify the thesis statement in the article “Essay: The Communication Collapse.” State specifically where the author placed his thesis statement.
2. Identify the arguments the author made to support his position.
3. Which argument was the most persuasive? Why?
4. What kinds of statistics, graphs, or illustrations could the author have included? Which argument could have been strengthened by using a visual? How?
2 answers
fill in the blanks
To identify the claim, ask, _______________What is the author's main position or assertion?______________________
To identify the reasons, ask, _______________What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?____________________
To identify the evidence, ask, _____________What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?_____________________
To identify the claim, ask, _______________What is the author's main position or assertion?______________________
To identify the reasons, ask, _______________What arguments or justifications does the author provide to support the claim?____________________
To identify the evidence, ask, _____________What specific facts, examples, or data does the author present to support each reason?_____________________