1.Identify and describe 3 environmental health that cause ill heath, crises,and or disasters within your community or any other community within South Africa and globally.

2.Critically discuss 10 ways in which the environmental health hazard can impact negatively on one's health.
3.Suggest 5 recommendations on how to address the environmental problems within the community or any other community within South Africa and globally.
4.Discuss in paragraph of 150 words 5 ways in which one can take responsibility to provide safe and healthy living environment.
5.Indicate at least 3 references that you have used in these assignment.

12 answers

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recommendation on how to address teenage pregnancy
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wAys to take responsibility to provide a safe and healthy living environment
please help us with this Life Orientation assignment
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Identify an describe 3 environment hazards that cause ill health,accidents,crise,and disasters within your coomunity or other community
Live in balance with natural World the earth provides us.Only use resources that will return to the ground and fully decompose.STOP using anything at a greater rate that can be re-grown naturally.Don't impair the cycle which life depends on to continue.Ensure dangerous/poisonous/inflammable chemicals are stored correctll.Improve public transport,ban or tax private cars in CBD.Clean up urban streams and open areas and open areas,replant natural vegetation,reintroduce animal and bird life.Regulate pollution with legislation and fines.Always use the 3Rs to eficiency of natural products in order to save it for our future generation..
always flush ur dhodhi.