Based on the descriptions provided, here's the matching of the Kansans with their respective descriptions:
Andrew Reeder - 1. I wrote about the "Bleeding Kansas" conflicts for newspapers in the East to promote the free-state movement.
John Brown - 3. I was a violent abolitionist who led the Pottawatomie Creek Massacre and the Harpers Ferry raid.
Clarina Nichols - 5. Advocate for women's rights. Involved in the Wyandotte Convention.
David Atchison - 4. I argued in favor of slavery in The Voice of Kansas: Let the South Respond.
Julia Louisa Lovejoy - 2. I spoke at the Wyandotte Constitutional Convention and advocated suffrage for all men in Kansas, regardless of race.
William Hutchinson - Not applicable (none of the descriptions fit)
James Lane - Not applicable (none of the descriptions fit)
Note: Not all letters were used, and some descriptions may have multiple interpretations. If you have more specific descriptions or need to reassess, let me know!