All of them are correct.
In # 1, the implication was that you went to India, but probably didn't travel around there. You may have visited only one city.
In # 2, you've indicated that you traveled in several places in India.
# 3 is not usually used.
# 4 is usually used in the U.S.
# 5 is more common in the U.K. and other parts of the world. I think, though, that they say 5 July 2009.
1. I traveled to India in 2002.
2. I traveled in India in 2002.
3. I traveled India in 2002.
(Which one is correct?)
4. He was born on July 5th, 2009.
5. He was born on 5th July, 2009.
(Are both correct?)
1 answer