1. I am a young adult.

(Is this sentence correct? How old is a young adult?)

2. I like a soft bean curd, which is not very expensive. With 4,000 won we can enjoy a soft bean curd at a restaurant. (Is this right?)

3. I like Job's tears' tea. It is good for digestion. (Is this correct as well?)

4. He is medium height.
5. He is medium-height.
6. He is of medium height.
7. He is of medium-height.
(Can we use all the expressions? Can we substitute 'average' for 'medium'?)

1 answer

1 - correct -- I consider young adults as people from about age 18 to 25 or 30.

2. - I don't think you need to use the word "a" in either sentence.

3 - Is "Job's Tears" a brand of tea? If so, then capitalize the T and delete the apostrophe (unless it's included in the brand name on the container!).

#6 is the best. And yes, medium and average mean about the same thing. #5 and #7 are incorrect; no hyphen needed. #4 is incorrect because "He" is not a height; he is a person who measures a particular height. In addition to #6, you could also write this: He is medium in height.